A portable toolkit for pathway activity score calculation
Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) analysis enables researchers to uncover more refined and novel cell clusters, which have greatly advanced our understanding of cellular states. Pathway activity score (PAS) analysis has been applied to transform the gene-level data into explainable gene sets representing biological processes or pathways to uncover the potential mechanism of cell heterogeneity. This package provide six portable interfaces for PAS calculation tools and abundant pathway databases in human and mouse.
# install.packages("GSVA")
# devtools::install_github("YosefLab/VISION")
counts = load_counts()
### you could load your own data:
#counts = read.table("folder/expression_counts.txt.gz",
# header = TRUE,
# sep = '\t',
# row.names = 1)
se_oj = CreateSeuratObject(counts)
se_oj = cal_PAS(seurat_object = se_oj,
tool = 'AUCell', ## GSVA, ssGSEA, plage, zscore or Vision
normalize = 'log',
species = 'mouse',
se_oj = FindVariableFeatures(se_oj, verbose = FALSE)
se_oj = ScaleData(se_oj)
se_oj = RunPCA(se_oj)
se_oj = RunUMAP(se_oj,dims = 1:8)
se_oj = FindNeighbors(se_oj)
se_oj = FindClusters(se_oj)
markers = FindAllMarkers(se_oj,logfc.threshold = 0)
pathways = markers %>% group_by(cluster) %>% top_n(n=5,wt=avg_log2FC) #For Seurat>4.0, set "wt=avg_logFC"
Name | Detials | Number of gene sets |
kegg | KEGG pathway database | 186 |
scSignature | cell type signature | 671 |
hallmarker | Hallmark gene sets | 50 |
CGP | genetic and chemical perturbations | 3297 |
biocarta | BioCarta pathway database | 289 |
PID | PID pathway database | 196 |
reactome | Reactome pathway database | 1532 |
TFT | transcriptional factor targets | 1137 |
CGN | cancer gene neighborhoods | 427 |
CM | cancer models | 431 |
GO.bp | GO biological process | 7530 |
GO.cc | Co cellular Component | 999 |
GO.mf | GO molecular fucntion | 1663 |
OncoG | oncogenic signatures | 189 |
Immu | immunologic signatures | 4872 |
panther | protein annotation through evolutionary relationship | 94 |
humancyc | human metabonomics | 127 |
ASCN2 | retinoblastoma protein | 102 |
pharmgkb | pharmacogenomics | 37 |
Name | Detials | Number of gene sets |
kegg | KEGG pathway database | 259 |
panther | protein annotation through evolutionary relationship | 151 |
mousecyc | mouse metabonomics | 321 |
reactome | Reactome pathway database | 1396 |
TFT | transcriptional factor targets | 373 |
GO.bp | GO biological process | 8203 |
GO.cc | Co cellular Component | 1082 |
GO.mf | GO molecular fucntion | 3240 |
drug | drug related | 844 |
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