Zebpay REST Client
This is a simple example package to help people in integrating Zebpay REST APIs using python
Getting Started
The file ./zebpay_client/zebpay_rest_client.py
comes with folowing API implementations
- Login
- Verify OTP
- Verify PIN
- Balance
- Instant Buy/Sell
You can call function - authenticate_me
which will initiate Login, VerifyOTP and VerfiyPIN APIs and autherize with your details provided via ZebPay
class instance.
Sample use
# Create an instance of `ZebPay` class in your code which can be find in `project_directory/zebpay_client/zebpay_rest_client.py`
z1 = ZebPay({
'country_code': '<country_code>',
'mobile_number': '<mobile_number>',
'client_id': '<client_id>',
'client_secret': '<client_secret>',
'api_secret': '<api_secret>',
'authorization_token': '<this_will_be_set_after_successful_authentication>',
'req_limit_conf': {
'daily_trade_limit': <your_choice>,
'daily_withdraw_limit': <your_choice>,
'total_trade_limit': <your_choice>,
'total_withdraw_limit': <your_choice>,
'scope': '<your_choice example - openid profile wallet:transactions:read wallet:transactions:send wallet:address:read trade:read trade:create offline_access>',
'otp': '<your_otp>',
'pin': '<your_pin>'
}, 'https://www.zebpay.com/api/v1/')
print('Completed authetication........', z1.authenticate_me())
print('Balances................', z1.get_balance('BTC-AUD').json())
print('Instant................', z1.place_instant_order(0.005, 'BTC-AUD', 'buy', 14000.61).json())