This setup assumes, you run TWS on your desktop and use Ngrok service to publish the webhook endpoint
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Switch to the project folder:
cd /path/to/project/directory
- Create a copy of environment file from the sample:
cp .env.sample .env
- Open .env file with any text editor, e.g.:
nano .env
- You will see variables with sample values. Replace the values with your own ones
WEBHOOK_TOKEN: a string to identify your requests from TravingView. Use any string you want. For example, you can use a 32-char hex number from this online generator
NGROK_TOKEN: token generated from Ngrok account
NGROK_REGION: region from Ngrok account
NGROK_DOMAIN: domain from Ngrok account
TIME_ZONE: timezone name. Affects timestamps in logging. All TZ names are available here
COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME: used by docker engine to label images, doesn't affect the application
- Register new account on Ngrok page
- Upgrade to Personal plan
- Get your ngrok token from here
- Add ngrok subdomain in "Domains" section. Use domain and region for your choice
- In Message field, insert text in format:
{"token": "WEBHOOK_TOKEN_FROM_ENV_FILE", "symbol": "{{ticker}}", "exchange": "{{exchange}}", "close": "{{close}}"}
- In Webhook URL field, insert address in format:
- Run the TWS application from your desktop
- Login with your username, password and trading mode
- From menu, open 'File' - 'Global Configuration...'
- 'API' - 'Settings' section: 'Enable activex and socket clients' -> ENABLE, 'API readonly' -> DISABLE, 'Socket port' -> 7497
- 'API' - 'Precautions' section: set -> ENABLE for all precautions
- Press 'Apply', then 'Ok'
- Close the application using 'X' button in the corner. That will upload application settings from desktop to IB server
- Install Docker Desktop
- Run TWS application
- Switch to the project folder:
cd /path/to/project/directory
- Run:
docker compose up --build