Releases: zaphB/sampleman
Releases · zaphB/sampleman
- improvised conversion to ECMAScript module for compatibility with nodejs v22
- sampleman v2.3.0 can only be run from source, because the script broke after improvised conversion (please refer to earlier sampleman releases for self-contained applications)
- make markdown parser robust against reformatting done by nextclouds in-browser markdown editor
- add optional step date input field
- fix special characters in step title breaking file upload
- patch 2.1.1:
- fix existing sample folders being overwritten under certain conditions
- added standalone executables for common platforms
- made startup behavior and config handling more user friendly
- made attaching files more robust
- patch 2.0.1:
- store linux binaries as .tar.gz
- store macos binaries as .dmg
- patch 2.0.2:
- sample and step creation, step templates and file attachments implemented
- font-end: sample list, labbook view and image gallery view implemented