Viewing Party deployed on
After registering, this application allows a user to find a movie to watch with friends. The movie data is from The Movie Database. Once a user finds that movie they can create a viewing party which they can invite their friends to.
This application uses:
- Rails
- PostgreSQL
- TailwindCSS
- TravisCI
- Heroku
- Figaro
If you would like install this app locally you'll need to do a few things:
- Clone the code to your local machine
git clone [email protected]:zachjamesgreen/viewing_party.git
bundle install
rails db:{create,migrate}
bundle exec rails webpacker:install
yarn install
- Get API key from The Movie Database
bundle exec figaro install
and add you API key to the config/application.yml file (api_key: )
Once you have done all that run bundle exec rspec to make sure all tests are passing
and you're on your way.
Database schema
Our friends table uses a self referential relationship to better organize our data.