tiny-face-pytorch Public
🚀 | Ultra-lightweight 1MB face detection & landmarks models for mobile and edge devices. > ONNX > WebCam
gaze-estimation Public
👀 | MobileGaze: Real-Time Gaze Estimation models using ResNet 18/34/50, MobileNet v2 and MobileOne s0-s4 | In PyTorch >> ONNX Runtime Inference
uniface Public
🚀 | UniFace: A Comprehensive Library for Face Detection, Recognition, Landmark Analysis, Age, and Gender Detection.
head-pose-estimation Public
👤 | Real Time Head Pose Estimation: Accurate head pose estimation using ResNet 18/34/50 and MobileNet V2/V3 models. Evaluate yaw, pitch, and roll with pre-trained weights for quick integration.
face-reidentification Public
👤🔄 | Face re-identification using ArcFace and SCRFD models | ONNX Runtime Inference
face-parsing Public
👤🔍 | BiSeNet: Bilateral Segmentation Network for Real-time Semantic Segmentation | In PyTorch >> ONNX Runtime Inference
face-recognition Public
📸 High-Performance Face Recognition Framework (models trained on MS1MV2) | In PyTorch >> ONNX Runtime Inference
retinaface-pytorch Public
👁️ | PyTorch Implementation of "RetinaFace: Single-stage Dense Face Localisation in the Wild" | 88.90% on WiderFace Hard >> ONNX
yakhyo Public
Use this template if you need a quick ML | DL Engineer resume! Based on a Minimal Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages.
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yolov5-crowdhuman-onnx Public
Person detection using YOLOv5m, ONNX Runtime. Trained on Crowdhuman dataset.
kokoro-onnx Public
Kokoro-82m TTS ONNX Runtime inference | Gradio Demo | HuggingFace Demo | Docker
yakhyo.github.io Public
Custom Jekyll minima theme for your blog | portfolio | resume 📜
mobileone-inference Public
MobileOne: An Improved One millisecond Mobile Backbone
yolo2voc Public
🔖🔄 | YOLO to VOC format <> VOC to YOLO format | Multiprocessing support
crack-segmentation Public
🛣️🔍 | Road crack segmentation using UNet in PyTorch > Implementation of different loss functions (i.e Focal, Dice, Dice + CE)
faceboxes-pytorch Public
Re-Implementation of "FaceBoxes: A CPU Real-time Face Detector with High Accuracy" | Less than 4MB
fast-neural-style-transfer Public
Fast Neural Style Transfer implementation using PyTorch > ONNX Inference
yolov1-pytorch Public
📦🔍 | YOLOv1 (Real-Time Object Detection) implementation using PyTorch
widerface_evaluation Public
Python Evaluation Code for Wider Face Dataset
mobilenetv2-pytorch Public
PyTorch Implementation of MobileNetV2
unet-pytorch Public
🚗 | UNet implementation using PyTorch | CARVANA Dataset | Car Segmentation
mobilenetv3-pytorch Public
PyTorch Implementation of MobileNetV3 large and small
east-pytorch Public
Reimplementation of "EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector" using PyTorch
algorithms-roadmap Public
Problems by Topics to master Problem Solving (NeetCode Roadmap)
yolov5-onnx-inference Public
YOLOv5 ONNX inference for Image, Video and Webcam