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I'm not responsible for any consequences that result from using this code. BattleState / BattlEye will ban you if you try to use it 'live'. Use it safely offline with SPT-AKI.

TLDR => Use the Universal Installer. Default key for in-game GUI is Right-Alt.

master branch can build against EFT (tested with SPT-AKI Version 3.10.0). If you are looking for another version, see branches and releases.

If you want to compile the code yourself, make sure you cleaned-up your solution properly after upgrading your EFT/sptarkov bits (even removing bin and obj folders) and check all your references.

If you are using SPT-AKI, please make sure you have run the game at least once before compiling/installing the trainer. SPT-AKI is patching binaries during the first run, and we need to compile against those patched binaries.

The typical issue when something is out of sync is that the game will freeze at the startup screen with type/tokens errors in %LOCALAPPDATA%Low\Battlestate Games\EscapeFromTarkov\Player.log


trainer.ini section GUI/console Description
Aimbot aimbot Aimbot (distance, smoothness, silent aim with speed factor and shot delay, fov radius, fov circle).
AirDrop airdrop Triggers an airdrop at the player's location.
Ammunition ammo Unlimited ammo.
AutomaticGun autogun Force all guns (even bolt action guns) to use automatic firing mode with customizable fire rate.
Commands commands Popup window to enable/disable all features (use right-alt or setup your own key in trainer.ini).
CrossHair crosshair Crosshair with customizable size, color, thickness and auto-hide feature when aiming.
Durability durability Maximum durability of items.
Examine examine All items already examined. Instant search.
ExfiltrationPoints exfil Exfiltration points with customizable colors given eligibility, status filter, distance.
FovChanger fovchanger Change Field Of View (FOV).
FreeCamera camera Free camera with fast mode and teleportation.
Ghost ghost Stop bots from seeing you.
Grenades grenade Grenades outline.
Health health Full health, prevent any damage (so even when falling), keep energy and hydration at maximum.
Hits hits Hit markers (hit, armor, health with configurable colors).
Hud hud HUD (compass, ammo left in chamber / magazine, fire mode, coordinates).
Interact interact Change distance for loot/door interaction.
LootableContainers stash Hidden/special stashes like buried barrels, ground caches, air drops or corpses.
LootItems loot List all lootable items and track any item by name or rarity or in-game wishlist in raid (even in containers and corpses).
Map map Full screen map with radar esp.
Mortar mortar Triggers a mortar strike at the player's location.
NightVision night Night vision.
NoCollision nocoll No physical collisions, making you immune to bullets, grenades and barbed wires.
NoFlash noflash No persistent flash or eye-burn effect after a flash grenade.
NoMalfunctions nomal No weapon malfunctions: no misfires or failures to eject or feed. No jammed bolts or overheating.
NoRecoil norecoil No recoil.
NoSway nosway No sway.
NoVisor novisor No visor, so even when using a face shield-visor you won't see it.
Players players Players (you'll see Bear/Boss/Cultist/Scav/Usec with configurable colors through walls). Charms, boxes, info (weapon and health), skeletons and distance.
Quests quest Locations for taking/placing quest items. Only items related to your started quests are displayed.
QuickThrow quickthrow Quick-throw grenades.
Radar radar 2D radar.
Skills skills All skills to Elite level (51) and all weapons mastering to level 3.
Speed speed Speed boost to be able to go through walls/objects, or to move faster. Be careful to not kill yourself.
Stamina stamina Unlimited stamina.
ThermalVision thermal Thermal vision.
Train train Summon train on compatible maps like Reserve or Lighthouse.
WallShoot wallshoot Shoot through wall/helmet/vest/material with maximum penetration and minimal deviation/ricochet.
Weather weather Clear weather.
WorldInteractiveObjects opener Door/Keycard reader/Car unlocker.

You can Load/Save all settings using the console or the GUI.

Players Radar Map Exfils Loot Quests Stashes Track NightVision Popup

Easy and automatic installation

Simply use the Universal Installer.



This trainer hooks into the command system, so you can easily setup features using the built-in console:

Command Values Default Description
ammo on or off off Enable/Disable unlimited ammo
autogun on or off off Enable/Disable automatic gun mode
crosshair on or off off Show/Hide crosshair
dump Dump game state for analysis
durability on or off off Enable/Disable maximum durability
examine on or off off Enable/Disable all item examined
exfil on or off on Show/Hide exfiltration points
fovchanger on or off off Change FOV value
ghost on or off off Enable/Disable ghost mode
grenade on or off off Show/Hide grenades
health on or off off Enable/Disable full health
hits on or off off Show/Hide hit markers
hud on or off on Show/Hide hud
interact on or off off Enable/Disable interaction changes
list [name] or * List lootable items
listr [name] or * List only rare lootable items
listsr [name] or * List only super rare lootable items
load Load settings from trainer.ini
loadtl [filename] Load current tracklist from file
loot on or off Show/Hide tracked items
night on or off off Enable/Disable night vision
nocoll on or off off Disable/Enable physical collisions
noflash on or off off Disable/Enable flash/eyeburn effects
nomal on or off off Disable/Enable weapon malfunctions
norecoil on or off off Disable/Enable recoil
nosway on or off off Disable/Enable sway
novisor on or off off Disable/Enable visor
players on or off on Show/hide players
quest on or off off Show/Hide quest POI
radar on or off off Show/Hide radar
save Save settings to trainer.ini
savetl [filename] Save current tracklist to file
spawn [name] Spawn object in front of player
spawnbot [name] or * Spawn a bot, ex spawnbot bossKilla
spawnhi Spawn required hideout items
spawnqi Spawn items-to-find in active quests
stamina on or off off Enable/Disable unlimited stamina
stash on or off off Show/Hide stashes
status Show status of all features
template [name] Search for templates by short/name
thermal on or off off Enable/Disable thermal vision
track [name] or * Track all items matching name
track [name] <color> Ex: track roler red
track [name] <rgba> Ex: track roler [1,1,1,0.5]
trackr same as track Track rare items only
tracksr same as track Track super rare items only
tracklist Show tracked items
untrack [name] or * Untrack a name or * for all
wallshoot on or off on Enable/Disable shoot through walls


This trainer comes in English but we also provide French and Chinese simplified versions. You can use the Universal Installer to specify your language, using .\Installer -l zh-cn for Chinese simplified for instance.

You can also tweak or add your own language by having a look here.


Escape from Tarkov (EFT) Trainer - Internal







No releases published


No packages published


  • C# 98.3%
  • ShaderLab 1.5%
  • Shell 0.2%