Minicurl is a very simple and limited header-only C++ wrapper around libcurl, intended to make easier the use of HTTP GET, HTTP POST, file upload, and file download. All methods were implemented as static member functions and they can be used anywhere in your code without the need to manually initialize or instantiate anything. Be aware that the first call to any of them will also call the function curl_global_init, which is not thread-safe. The results are always returned as std::string. Check test.cpp for examples.
This library depends on libcurl. To install the latter in your system, open the terminal and type:
sudo apt-get install -y -f --install-suggests curl libcurl4-openssl-dev
To compile the test, open the terminal and enter the command below (GCC 8 or later is required):
g++ test.cpp -std=c++17 -lcurl -o test.out
Copyright 2019 Jean Diogo (aka Jango)