Releases: wmo-im/wis2-topic-hierarchy
Releases · wmo-im/wis2-topic-hierarchy
Fast-track 2024-2 amendments (release candidate)
Publication (release candidate) 2024-08-08
Snapshot of what was submitted to LSP for publication in Appendix D of WMO-No. 1060, Volume II.
What's Changed
- topics proposed by tt-nwpmd by @amilan17 in #99
- move centre-id permission to correct recommendation by @tomkralidis in #108
- add advisories-warnings to topic #104 by @amilan17 in #105
- Update clause_7_normative_text.adoc by @golfvert in #107
- update global service descriptions by @tomkralidis in #111
- Update centre-id.csv by @solson-nws in #116
- Create by @antje-s in #110
- Fix typo probablistic to probabilistic by @josusky in #118
- Update generate-and-commit-ttl.yml by @josusky in #119
- Update centre-id.csv by @antje-s in #117
- Update by @antje-s in #120
- Fix description of sub-register by @josusky in #121
- update script to use pathlib and fix CI by @tomkralidis in #122
- fix CI TTL commit workflow by @tomkralidis in #123
- Editorial cleanup by @amilan17 in #128
- Added UK/USA Global Cache to centre-id list by @6a6d74 in #130
- add UK Met Office entries by @tomkralidis in #134
- introduce Source column in CSVs (#141) by @tomkralidis in #145
- add test WIS2 Node centre identifier (#142) by @tomkralidis in #143
- Add ability to process flat CSV files #126 by @josusky in #148
- add satellites for weather and space-weather by @amilan17 in #149
- Fix concept notation/name generated from flat CSV #155 by @josusky in #156
- Add initial ocean topics by @amilan17 in #160
- Add initial climate topics by @amilan17 in #158
- Additional topics under weather by @amilan17 in #159
- update centre-ids per GR 2024-07-21 by @tomkralidis in #163
- 164 update GitHub for LSP publication by @amilan17 in #165
New Contributors
Full Changelog: a...pubRC-2024-08-08
What's Changed
- Update by @golfvert in #2
- Update by @golfvert in #3
- Hierarchy not on readme and proposal for SYNOP and TEMP by @efucile in #7
- update README and fix refs by @tomkralidis in #10
- make country code lower case (#9) by @tomkralidis in #12
- editorial updates by @amilan17 in #14
- Update by @golfvert in #13
- fix references by @tomkralidis in #15
- replace centre-id with center-id by @tomkralidis in #17
- revert center-id to centre-id by @tomkralidis in #20
- rename wis2.csv to system.csv by @tomkralidis in #24
- add centre IDs for ECCC/MSC and WOUDC by @tomkralidis in #27
- add user assigned codes for WMO Global Services and RAs (#1) by @tomkralidis in #28
- add bundle generation workflow by @tomkralidis in #31
- add index of topic hierarchy levels (#37) by @tomkralidis in #40
- add centre-id values for Météo-France and DWD by @tomkralidis in #42
- add centre-id for ECMWF (#43) by @tomkralidis in #45
- create AsciiDoc specification for publication (#46) by @tomkralidis in #47
- Fix spec ci by @tomkralidis in #49
- Update and rename resource-type.csv to notification-type.csv (#54) by @tomkralidis in #56
- add requirements/recommendations/permissions setup (#35) (#25) by @tomkralidis in #57
- Update REQ_versioning.adoc by @antje-s in #59
- add permission for metadata publishing by @tomkralidis in #62
- merge country and centre-id (#58) by @tomkralidis in #64
- add requirement that local extensions to WTH are not allowed (#65) by @tomkralidis in #67
- remove report from notification-type (#68) by @tomkralidis in #69
- Add Institute of Meteorology of Cuba, sort alphabetical by Name by @tomkralidis in #55
- update Earth discipline structure by @tomkralidis in #70
- split ECCC/MSC into DCPC and GDC centres by @tomkralidis in #71
- add centre-id requirement for uniqueness by @tomkralidis in #74
- Add Italian National Centre of Meteorology and Climatology by @josusky in #77
- add centre-id immediate stable release requirement (#21) by @tomkralidis in #78
- Additional centre-id for de-dwd by @antje-s in #79
- add Synoptic Data PBC centre-id by @tomkralidis in #80
- add primary levels as table to doc by @tomkralidis in #82
- add EUMETSAT centre-id by @tomkralidis in #84
- update clause 7 for editorial changes. by @amilan17 in #83
- Update centre-id.csv by @solson-nws in #87
- Update clause_7_normative_text.adoc by @antje-s in #88
- minor editorial updates by @amilan17 in #89
- remove duplicative Resources section by @tomkralidis in #91
- add topics for aviation (#85) by @tomkralidis in #92
- Update centre-id.csv by @Amienshxq in #94
- add Maroc Météo centre identifier by @tomkralidis in #93
- prepare for WTH publication (#90) by @tomkralidis in #96
- delineate requirements from conformance class by @tomkralidis in #97
- edits based on recent reviews by @amilan17 in #100
- Update clause_7_normative_text.adoc by @golfvert in #98
- update WTH URL on by @tomkralidis in #102
- fix by @amilan17 in #103
New Contributors
- @efucile made their first contribution in #7
- @Amienshxq made their first contribution in #94
Full Changelog: