This application allows you to search for books by typing a topic into a search bar. The application was built using the MERN stack and is deployed on Heroku.
Combined the four technologies of the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js).
Users will be able to sign up and create an account. Once signed in, click the search bar and search for a book of your choice. The Google Books API will return a list of books related to your search term. You can then save a book to your list.
- GraphQL : query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling queries
- Apollo Server : open-source, spec-compliant GraphQL server
- React Router
- if-env : npm package
- concurrently : npm package
- JWT-decode : JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) are an alternative to using session cookies for authentication.
Live web-app here:
Made by CS Maxwell