Configuration provider using AWS Secrets Manager as the source of data.
Using this provider, you can load secrets from AWS Secrets Manager and bind them to your configuration classes, using
all features of Options pattern (IOptions<T>
The provider supports refreshing secrets (by polling, it's possible to provide your own mechanism) and custom secret processing (which allows parsing formats other than JSON when using binary secrets).
dotnet add package W4k.Extensions.Configuration.Aws.SecretsManager
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
// add AWS Secrets Manager Configuration Provider for specific secret
configurationKeyPrefix: "AppSecrets");
// ... and then bind configuration using `configurationKeyPrefix: "AppSecrets"`
Additionally, you can provide instance of IAmazonSecretsManager
// passing custom `IAmazonSecretsManager` (e.g. with custom credentials)
var client = new AmazonSecretsManagerClient(/* ... */);
configurationKeyPrefix: "AppSecrets");
To add more secrets while sharing the same Amazon Secrets Manager client, you can set a default instance first like this:
var client = new AmazonSecretsManagerClient(/* ... */);
Configuration is possible using several AddSecretsManager
overloads. Shortcut methods for adding Secrets Manager
configuration source allows to specify secret name, optionality or configuration key prefix.
Specifying more complex configuration can be done using AddSecretsManager
method with configure callback.
When using secrets manager configuration builder, it's also possible to access existing (already loaded) configuration:
// using `ConfigurationManager` provided by application host builder
(config, source) => source.WithTimeout(config.GetValue<TimeSpan>("Secrets:FetchTimeout")))
assuming your appsettings.json
"Secrets": {
"FetchTimeout": "00:00:10"
(of course, you can still just capture builder.Configuration
in configure action)
When adding a configuration source, given secret is mandatory by default - meaning if the secret is not found, or it's not possible
to fetch it, an exception is thrown. To make it optional, set isOptional
parameter to true
isOptional: true);
It is possible to distinguish between error happening during load and reload (when enabled) operation
by using OnLoadException
and OnReloadException
// ignore exception (do not throw)
source => source
.OnLoadException(ctx => { ctx.Ignore = true; })
.OnReloadException(ctx => { ctx.Ignore = true; }));
Callbacks receive SecretsManagerExceptionContext
which can be examined to decide whether to ignore the exception or not by flagging its Ignore
If omitted, the latest version of the secret will be used. However, it is possible to specify a custom version or stage:
source => source.WithVersion(versionId: "d6d1b757d46d449d1835a10869dfb9d1"));
By default, all the secret values will be added to the configuration root. To prevent collisions with other configuration keys, or to group secret values for further binding, it is possible to specify configuration key prefix as follows:
configurationKeyPrefix: "Clients:MyService");
With example above, secret property of name Password
will be transformed to Clients:MyService:Password
When binding your option type, make sure path is considered or that you bind to the correct configuration section.
By default, AWS Secrets Manager stores secret as simple key-value JSON object - and thus JSON processor is set as default. In some cases, custom format may be used - either a complex JSON object or even an XML document (or actually anything, imagination is the limit).
In order to support such scenarios, it is possible to specify custom secret processor:
// implements `ISecretsProcessor`
source => source.WithProcessor(new MyCustomSecretProcessor()));
There's helper class SecretProcessor<T>
can be used to simplify implementation of custom processor (by providing implementation of ISecretStringParser<T>
and IConfigurationTokenizer<T>
It is possible to hook into the configuration key transformation, which is used to transform the tokenized configuration key.
By default, only KeyDelimiterTransformer
is used.
transforms "__
" to configuration key delimiter, ":
To add custom transformation, use property KeyTransformers
// implements `IConfigurationKeyTransformer`
source => source.AddKeyTransformer(new MyCustomKeyTransformer()));
It is also possible to clear transformers by simply calling Clear()
, respectively ClearKeyTransformers()
, method.
// assigning values directly to `SecretsManagerConfigurationSource`
// using `SecretsManagerConfigurationBuilder`
By default, secrets are not refreshed. In order to enable refreshing, you can set configuration watcher:
// implements `IConfigurationWatcher`
source => source.WithConfigurationWatcher(new SecretsManagerPollingWatcher(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)));
// uses `SecretsManagerPollingWatcher`
source => source.WithPollingWatcher(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));
When refreshing secrets, use IOptionsSnapshot<T>
or IOptionsMonitor<T>
instead of just IOptions<T>
For more details about Options pattern, see official documentation Options pattern in ASP.NET Core.
Please note that there is associated cost of retrieving secret values from AWS Secrets Manager. Refer to the AWS Secrets Manager pricing for further information.
Watcher is started ONLY when initial load is successful.
It may happen that there's connection issue with AWS Secrets Manager. In order to prevent unnecessary hangs, it is possible to configure timeout:
source => source.WithTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(42)));
Default timeout value can be found at SecretsManagerConfigurationSource
Library uses ActivitySource
and Activity
to provide information about load and refresh operations.
To be able to see traces, it is necessary to listen to activity source named "W4k.Extensions.Configuration.Aws.SecretsManager
Using Open Telemetry package(s), it is possible to add tracing to your application following way:
var otel = builder.Services.AddOpenTelemetry();
otel.WithTracing(tracing => tracing
Since Load happens before host is fully built, you won't see Load activity this way. It is still possible to trace Refresh operation though.
With or without Open Telemetry, it is also possible to simply hook activity listener into your application. There's helper extension method to configure activity listener:
var listener = new ActivityListener().ListenToSecretsManagerActivitySource(
onStart => Console.WriteLine($"[{onStart.StartTimeUtc:O}] {onStart.Source.Name}:{onStart.OperationName} Started"),
onStop => Console.WriteLine($"[{onStop.StartTimeUtc:O}] {onStop.Source.Name}:{onStop.OperationName} Stopped"));
When listener is registered this way in very early stage of the application, it is possible to see Load activity as well.
It is possible to configure logging for the provider:
// using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
source => source.WithLoggerFactory(LoggerFactory.Create(logging => logging.AddConsole())));
By default, logging is disabled (by using NullLoggerFactory
Since logging happens during the host build phase (before the application is fully built), it's not possible to use the final application logger. Perhaps you will need to configure logging twice - once for the provider and once for the application.
If your logger requires more complex configuration you don't want to repeat (in configuration phase),
it's possible to pass ILoggerFactory
instance to the provider retrospectively:
public static WebApplication UseAppLoggerInSecretsManagerConfigProvider(this WebApplication app)
var config = app.Services.GetRequiredService<IConfiguration>();
if (config is IConfigurationRoot root)
var loggerFactory = app.Services.GetRequiredService<ILoggerFactory>();
foreach (var configProvider in root.Providers.OfType<SecretsManagerConfigurationProvider>())
configProvider.Source.LoggerFactory = loggerFactory;
return app;
This library is inspired by Kralizek.Extensions.Configuration.AWSSecretsManager
When using AWS Fargate (ECS), you can configure Task Definition to use Secrets Manager as a source of environment variables. This approach is described in Passing sensitive data to a container / Using Secrets Manager.
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