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Generates an autoexec.cfg based on modular config files.
Either simply run the PowerShell script to generate an autoexec.cfg in /dist
Note: Might need Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
before running script.
- Run concat.ps1 in Windows PowerShell, from project directory, autoexec.cfg will be generated in /dist directory. Manually replace autoexec in CSGO cfg directory or follow the next steps.
- Optional: edit csgo cfg folder path in deploy.ps1 if the default isn't correct:
$path_csgo = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo/cfg"
- Optional: Run deploy.ps1 to replace current autoexec (A backup will be saved in the cfg directory)
Recommended editor: Visual Studio Code
Get clearer map overviews at http://simpleradar.com\
Add the files to \Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\resource\overviews
Add +exec autoexec.cfg
to Launch options (right click the game in Steam > Library and open Properties, then click Set Launch Options).
An example with some additional launch options, for a 144 Hz monitor at 1440p resolution:
-console -freq 144 -novid +exec autoexec.cfg -w 2560 -h 1440
Other launch options, not sure exactly what they do so I skip most of them:
-tickrate 128
-console // show csgo console, enabling manual command entry
-novid // skip loading video
-freq 144 // monitor frequency
-refresh 144
-maxplayers_override 50
+exec autoexec.cfg
-w 1920 -h 1080
+clientport 27015 //if private server game fails to connect, also add rules to firewall or disable virus protection, one might work.
+clientport 27006 //..7, 8, 9 if mm game disconnects