A tiny library to access todo.txt-like task lists.
To install pytodotxt, you can follow these steps to clone the repository, and install the program.
pip install pytodotxt
That’s all there is to do.
You can find the full documentation at https://vonshednob.cc/pytodotxt/doc/.
Here’s an example how to open a todo.txt file and print the description of all tasks that are not marked as completed:
import pytodotxt
todotxt = pytodotxt.TodoTxt('todo.txt')
for task in todotxt.tasks:
if not task.is_completed:
Here is how you add a new task to an existing todo.txt file:
import datetime
import pytodotxt
todotxt = pytodotxt.TodoTxt('todo.txt')
task = pytodotxt.Task()
task.parse('This is a new task')
task.creation_date = datetime.date.today()
Any contribution is appreciated! Report bugs in issues or via email to the authors.
The source code can be found on vonshednob.cc and on PyPi.
Pull requests through github are no longer supported, but patches and code discussions via email are most welcome! If you don't quite know how to do that, have a look at this blog article that gives detailed instructions how to work without github.