Native JavaScript navigation implementation
npm / yarn / GitHub
npm i --save @virtualstate/navigation
yarn add @virtualstate/navigation
import { Navigation } from "@virtualstate/navigation";
const { Navigation } = await import("");
import { Navigation } from "";
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"@virtualstate/navigation": ""
<script type="module">
import { Navigation } from "@virtualstate/navigation"
See the MDN documentation for the Navigation API for in depth information on usage.
import { Navigation } from "@virtualstate/navigation";
const navigation = new Navigation();
// Set initial url
// Use .finished to wait for the transition to complete
await navigation.navigate("/awaited").finished;
import { Navigation } from "@virtualstate/navigation";
const navigation = new Navigation();
navigation.addEventListener("navigate", async ({ destination, preventDefault }) => {
if (new URL(destination.url).pathname === "/disallow") {
await navigation.navigate("/allowed").finished; // Resolves
await navigation.navigate("/disallow").finished; // Rejects
import { Navigation } from "@virtualstate/navigation";
import { loadPhotoIntoCache } from "./cache";
const navigation = new Navigation();
navigation.addEventListener("navigate", async ({ destination, intercept }) => {
async handler() {
await loadPhotoIntoCache(destination.url)
You can match destination.url
using URLPattern
import {Navigation} from "@virtualstate/navigation";
import {URLPattern} from "urlpattern-polyfill";
const navigation = new Navigation();
navigation.addEventListener("navigate", async ({destination, intercept}) => {
const pattern = new URLPattern({ pathname: "/books/:id" });
const match = pattern.exec(destination.url);
if (match) {
handler: transition
async function transition() {
console.log("load book",
import { Navigation } from "@virtualstate/navigation";
const navigation = new Navigation();
navigation.addEventListener("currententrychange", () => {
console.log({ updatedState: navigation.currentEntry?.getState() });
await navigation.updateCurrentEntry({
state: {
items: [
index: 0
await navigation.updateCurrentEntry({
state: {
index: 1
If a global instance of the navigation API is not available, this will provide one, integrated into the History API if available.
import "@virtualstate/navigation/polyfill";
await window.navigation.navigate("/").finished;
// Or if within a window global scope, aka in a browser:
await navigation.navigate("/").finished;
Polyfill Global Window Types
See @types/dom-navigation
for a standardised type definition for the Navigation API
which can be utilised alongside this polyfill.
yarn add --dev @types/dom-navigation
This should then be included as a type in your tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"types": [
Polyfill Serializer
You may want to set a custom serializer to store state in history
The default serializer is JSON
In the past, a structured clone like serializer was used. This may be useful for you if you're using native types rather than just JSON compatible values.
An example of making use of a custom serializer with the polyfill:
import { setSerializer } from "@virtualstate/navigation/polyfill";
import { serialize, deserialize } from "@ungap/structured-clone";
stringify(value) {
return serialize(value)
parse(value) {
return deserialize(value)
- Navigation by setting window.location does not trigger navigate event
- Normal page navigations are not intercepted (excluding navigation api & history made changes)
Please create a new GitHub Issue if you find further limitations