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Getting Started

Vianney FAIVRE edited this page Feb 16, 2018 · 13 revisions

Persephone can monitor Spring applications that have Actuator enabled.

There is no direct dependency from applications that are monitored to Persephone. Persephone consumes REST APIs exposed by Actuator features.

Download Persephone JAR

Latest Release

Pre-requisites : Applications to monitor

Please note that only Spring Boot versions 1.3.x, 1.4.x and 1.5.x are supported.

1. Spring Boot Actuator enabled

Add the following dependency to your POM:


2. Configure security for Actuator endpoints

3. Set property logging.path or logging.file

This will enable the use of Actuator endpoint GET /logfile

Persephone: Configuration

Applications that you want to monitor have to be listed in a CSV file.

If Actuator REST APIs are protected by HTTP Basic Auth, you have to specify the username and password to use in that CSV file (see example below).

1. CSV format

Application Name,Environment,URL,Actuator Auth Scheme,Actuator username,Actuator password

2. Path to the CSV

Set the property persephone.applications.csv with the path to the CSV file.

Run Persephone

Execute the following command:

java -Dpersephone.applications.csv=/path/to/applications.csv -jar persephone-<version>.jar

Or this one if you want to specify the port:

java -Dserver.port=10000 -Dpersephone.applications.csv=/path/to/applications.csv -jar persephone-<version>.jar

That's it! Now just go to http://localhost:8080/.