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Releases: veops/cmdb


03 Sep 06:34
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refactor: Resource Search Page

  • Supports global search
  • Supports advanced search, allowing precise searching across multiple attributes
  • Supports quick filtering of models in search results
  • Supports viewing detailed information of instances
  • Supports instance favorites for quick access
  • Supports bulk download

refactor: 资源搜索页面

  • 支持全局搜索
  • 支持高级搜索,即对多个属性进行精准搜索
  • 支持在搜索结果中快速筛选模型
  • 支持查看实例详细信息
  • 支持实例收藏,快速查看
  • 支持批量下载


26 Aug 14:34
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  1. Feat: Added new data types for model attributes: Boolean, Reference, Short Text, and Long Text.
  2. Feat: The attribute dropdown list supports custom enumeration values.
  3. Fix: Fixed the issue with inaccurate results in resource search in queries.
  4. Fix: Fixed the sorting issues between non-inherited attributes and inherited attributes, as well as sorting hints for other groups in the inheritance model.

  1. Feat: 模型属性新增布尔、引用、短文本、长文本的数据类型
  2. Feat: 属性下拉列表支持自定义枚举值
  3. Fix: 修复了资源搜索 in查询 不准的问题
  4. Fix: 修复了继承模型中非继承属性与继承属性的排序以及其他分组的排序提示问题


31 Jul 08:44
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  1. Feat: When batch modifying CIs, multi-value attributes now have options for overwrite, add, and delete operations.
  2. Feat: The "My Subscriptions" page now supports bulk subscriptions.
  3. Feat: To enhance user experience, the model configuration page will remember the last opened tab, and switch to that tab when changing models.

  1. Feat: 批量修改CI时,多值属性增加了覆盖、添加和删除的操作选项
  2. Feat: 我的订阅页面支持批量订阅
  3. Feat: 为了改善用户体验,模型配置页面会记住上一次打开的tab页,切换模型时直接定位该tab页面


26 Jul 09:05
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  1. Feat: Optimized the support for computed properties with multiple values, added guidance for better user experience.
  2. Feat: Auto-discovery now supports configuring multiple account credentials, which can be directly referenced on the attribute auto-discovery page.
  3. Feat: Added support for bulk exporting operation audits and resource data change records.
  4. Feat: Added support for filtering operation audits by time range.
  5. Feat: Relationship auto-discovery now supports establishing relationships in reverse.

  1. Feat: 优化计算属性对于多值的支持,增加了说明指引,提升用户体验
  2. Feat: 自动发现支持配置多个账号密码,属性自动发现页面可直接引用
  3. Feat: 支持批量导出操作审计、资源数据变更记录
  4. Feat: 支持按照时间范围筛选操作审计
  5. Feat: 关系自动发现支持反向建立关系


10 Jul 11:51
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  1. Feat: In the Auto-Discovery Configuration page, the HTTP type plugin supports automatic attribute mapping based on yaml.
  2. Feat: Relationships established through attribute associations support automatic deletion of relationships.
  3. Feat: Added enable/disable button for attribute auto-discovery; data collection stops when disabled.
  4. Feat: Added user guidance instructions to enhance user experience.
  5. Fix: Resolved an issue where calculated attributes referencing other multi-valued attributes did not include square brackets in the results.

  1. Feat: 自动发现配置页面,公有云类型插件支持按照yaml自动完成属性映射
  2. Feat: 通过属性关联建立的关系支持自动删除关系
  3. Feat: 属性自动发现增加开启/关闭按钮,关闭后不再自动采集数据
  4. Feat: 增加用户指引说明,优化用户体验
  5. Fix: 修复计算属性中引用其他多值属性时,计算结果未包含方括号的问题


27 Jun 13:35
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  1. Perf: Model Import Export Optimization: Supports batch export of models, supports import and export of inherited models, associated models, and automatic relationship discovery.
  2. Feat: Model Configuration - Automatic Discovery: Adding master machines to execute machine increases.
  3. Perf: Experience optimization of batch selection function in tables.

  1. Perf: 模型导入导出优化:支持批量导出模型,支持导入导出继承模型、关联模型、关系自动发现
  2. Feat: 模型配置-自动发现:执行机器增加Master机器
  3. Perf: 表格批量选中功能体验优化


20 Jun 12:34
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  1. Feat: Added support for cron in automatic discovery for data collection, log display, agent health checks, and upgraded the UI.
  2. Feat: Model now supports dynamic attributes.
  3. Feat: Model attribute associations now support defining multiple groups.
  4. Feat: Added node search and pagination display features to the topology view, and upgraded the UI.
  5. Fix: Fixed an issue where multi-value attributes with predefined values appeared as empty on the new CI page.
  6. Fix: Fixed inaccurate IP address validation in regex checks.
  7. Fix: Fixed an issue where the relationship topology view on the relationship details page expanded abnormally.

  1. Feat: 自动发现采集频率支持Cron、日志展示和agent健康检查,以及对UI进行了升级改造
  2. Feat: 模型支持动态属性
  3. Feat: 模型属性关联支持定义多组
  4. Feat: 拓扑视图新增节点搜索和分页展示功能,并且对UI进行了升级
  5. Fix: 修复了新建CI页面有预定义值的多值属性出现空值的问题
  6. Fix: 修复了正则校验中IP地址校验不准确的问题
  7. Fix: 修复了关系详情页中关系拓扑视图展开异常的问题


29 May 05:41
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  1. Feat: Added topology view feature
  2. Feat: Resource data can be grouped and displayed according to the model
  3. Fix: Fixed an issue where the trigger webhook failed if the referenced attribute value contained Chinese characters
  4. Fix: Fixed an error where the admin account did not have the cmdb_admin role in version 2.4.4
  5. Fix: Fixed an error in password storage initialization

  1. Feat: 新增拓扑视图功能
  2. Feat: 资源数据支持按照模型分组展示
  3. Fix: 修复了触发器webhook中引用属性值包含中文导致触发失败的问题
  4. Fix: 修复了2.4.4版本中admin账号没有cmdb_admin角色的报错
  5. Fix: 修复了密码存储初始化报错的问题


29 Apr 06:50
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  1. Feat: CI details page supports displaying associated ITSM tickets.
  2. Feat: Added instance rollback functionality.
  3. Feat: Ensure the order of values for multi-value fields.

  1. Feat: CI详情页支持展示ITSM关联工单
  2. Feat: 新增实例回滚功能
  3. Feat: 多值字段的值保证顺序


17 Apr 11:36
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  1. Feat: Support service tree retrieval.
  2. Feat: Support custom display attributes for service tree and topology view.
  3. Fix: Fix the issue of duplicate display of nodes in relationship topology view.
  4. Fix: Fix the issue of the manual trigger CI calculation button not being displayed for inherited properties.

  1. Feat: 支持服务树检索
  2. Feat: 服务树和拓扑视图支持自定义展示属性
  3. Fix: 修复关系拓扑视图节点重复显示的问题
  4. Fix: 修复继承属性手动触发CI计算按钮未展示的问题