Dimensionality reduction (DR) algorithms typically assume the data they are given is uniformly sampled from some underlying manifold. When this is not the case, and there are observation-gaps along the manifold, these algorithms may fail to detect a single connected component. This repository presents two manifold approximation approaches for non-uniform sampled data that always construct a single connected component by building upon minimum spanning trees (MST).
Their main use-case is as input to dimensionality reduction algorithms for data visualization. This repository supports UMAP, where our manifold models improve projection and visualization quality at low number of neighbors. Additionally, our fast (approximate) minimum spanning tree construction algorithms can be used to speed up HDBSCAN (and other hierarchical) clustering.
The noisy minimum spanning tree union (
We add Gaussian noise (
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.collections as mc
from sklearn.datasets import make_swiss_roll
from multi_mst import NoisyMST
X, t = make_swiss_roll(n_samples=2000, noise=0.5, hole=True)
model = NoisyMST(num_neighbors=10, noise_fraction=1.0).fit(X)
projector = model.umap(repulsion_strength=1.0)
# Drawing the network
xs = projector.embedding_[:, 0]
ys = projector.embedding_[:, 1]
coo_matrix = projector.graph_.tocoo()
sources = coo_matrix.row
targets = coo_matrix.col
plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3))
plt.scatter(xs, ys, c=t, s=1, edgecolors="none", linewidth=0, cmap="viridis")
lc = mc.LineCollection(
list(zip(zip(xs[sources], ys[sources]), zip(xs[targets], ys[targets]))),
ax = plt.gca()
plt.subplots_adjust(0, 0, 1, 1)
The k-nearest Minimum Spanning Tree (
To avoid creating shortcuts in the manifold, a distance threshold
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.collections as mc
from sklearn.datasets import make_swiss_roll
from multi_mst import KMST
X, t = make_swiss_roll(n_samples=2000, noise=0.5, hole=True)
model = KMST(num_neighbors=3, epsilon=2.0).fit(X)
projector = model.umap(repulsion_strength=1.0)
# Drawing the network
xs = projector.embedding_[:, 0]
ys = projector.embedding_[:, 1]
coo_matrix = projector.graph_.tocoo()
sources = coo_matrix.row
targets = coo_matrix.col
plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3))
plt.scatter(xs, ys, c=t, s=1, edgecolors="none", linewidth=0, cmap="viridis")
lc = mc.LineCollection(
list(zip(zip(xs[sources], ys[sources]), zip(xs[targets], ys[targets]))),
ax = plt.gca()
plt.subplots_adjust(0, 0, 1, 1)
Computing pynndescent
. Combined with fast_hdbscan
cluster selection, it can greatly speed up computing (approximate) clusters on
high dimensional data-sets!
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.collections as mc
from sklearn.datasets import make_swiss_roll
from multi_mst import KMSTDescent
X, t = make_swiss_roll(n_samples=2000, noise=0.5, hole=True)
model = KMSTDescent(num_neighbors=3, epsilon=2.0).fit(X)
projector = model.umap(repulsion_strength=1.0)
# Draw the network
xs = projector.embedding_[:, 0]
ys = projector.embedding_[:, 1]
coo_matrix = projector.graph_.tocoo()
sources = coo_matrix.row
targets = coo_matrix.col
plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3))
plt.scatter(xs, ys, c=t, s=1, edgecolors="none", linewidth=0, cmap="viridis")
lc = mc.LineCollection(
list(zip(zip(xs[sources], ys[sources]), zip(xs[targets], ys[targets]))),
ax = plt.gca()
plt.subplots_adjust(0, 0, 1, 1)
All three approaches support several downstream tasks.
# HDBSCAN or HBCC clusters
# - Creates a fitted HDBSCAN or HBCC model from the computed manifold graph.
# - Computes mutual-reachability from the model's number of neighbors.
clusterer = model.hdbscan(cluster_selection_method='leaf') # or
clusterer = model.hbcc(cluster_selection_method='leaf')
# Sub-cluster detectors
# - Ensures parameter and distance metric combinations are valid!
branch_detector = model.branch_detector(clusterer, min_cluster_size=5)
bc_detector = model.boundary_cluster_detector(clusterer, min_cluster_size=5)
# Accessors for the manifold graph
# - Mutual-reachability computed from the model's number of neighbors.
model.graph_ # CSR format, rows sorted by distance
model.mutual_reachability_graph_ # CSR format, rows sorted by mutual reachability
model.minimum_spanning_tree_ # Edgelist, unsorted
model.mutual_reachability_tree_ # Edgelist, unsorted
model.knn_neighbors_ # Adjacency lists for k-NN sorted by distance
model.knn_distances_ # Adjacency lists for k-NN sorted by distance
model.graph_neighbors_ # Adjacency lists for graph sorted by distance, -1 = missing
model.graph_distances_ # Adjacency lists for graph sorted by distance, inf = missing
The demonstration notebooks in ./notebooks
provide more elaborate examples.
The multi_mst
package can be installed from pypi:
pip install multi_mst
Most code---including the numba KDTree, disjoint set and Boruvka MST construction implementation---is adapted from fast_hdbscan.
uses the same license as fast_hdbscan
: BSD (2-clause). See the
LICENSE file for details.