Getting started:
Consider cloning this repo and running examples, they are self contained. Tip: you can create a copy of script, rename it, and add to OBS. So two of identical scripts will be run in parallel with separate namespaces. Also check out issues to report error or have a suggestion and discussions
- UI
- Property modification
- Property additional input
- obs_data
- Print all source settings and filter names
- Save settings as json
- Source's and filters with identifier string
- Add source
- Move source
- Duplicate source
- Add filter to source
- Toggle sceneitem visibility
- Set current scene
- Get set order in scene
- Add scene with sources to current scene
- Events
- Program state
- Signals
- Timers and threads
- Hotkeys
- Play sound
- Read and write private data from scripts or plugins
- Browser source interaction
- Browser source receive JSON data
- Access source dB volume level
- Get current profile settings via ffi
- Convert from SWIG type to ctype
- Set current stream key
- Raw frames
- Debug
- Security
- Docs and code examples
- Changes between versions
- Links
- Contribute
See also :
def callback(props, prop, *args, **kwargs): # pass settings implicitly
p = S.obs_properties_get(props, "button")
n = next(counter)
S.obs_property_set_description(p, f"refresh pressed {n} times")
return True
def script_properties():
props = S.obs_properties_create()
b = S.obs_properties_add_button(
props, "button", "refresh pressed 0 times", refresh_pressed
S.obs_property_set_modified_callback(b, callback)
return props
Full source
See also :
def callback(props, prop, settings):
_number = S.obs_data_get_int(settings, "_int")
_text_value = S.obs_data_get_string(settings, "_text")
text_property = S.obs_properties_get(props, "_text")
if _number > 50: = _text_value + str(_number)
S.obs_property_set_visible(text_property, True)
return True
else: = ""
S.obs_property_set_visible(text_property, False)
return True
def script_properties(): # ui
number = S.obs_properties_add_int(props, "_int", "Number", 1, 100, 1)
text_value = S.obs_properties_add_text(
props, "_text", "Additional input:", S.OBS_TEXT_DEFAULT
S.obs_property_set_visible(text_value, False)
S.obs_property_set_modified_callback(number, callback)
Note: properties share similar structure , in Python, Lua, C.
Example C
See also :
source = S.obs_get_source_by_name(self.source_name)
settings = S.obs_source_get_settings(source)
psettings = S.obs_source_get_private_settings(source)
dsettings = S.obs_data_get_defaults(settings)
pdsettings = S.obs_data_get_defaults(psettings)
print("[---------- settings ----------")
print("---------- private_settings ----------")
print("---------- default settings for this source type ----------")
print("---------- default private settings for this source type ----------")
print("[--------- filter names --------")
for i in range(filter_count):
settings = S.obs_data_array_item(filters, i)
filter_name = S.obs_data_get_string(settings, "name")
print(" filter names of %s --------" % self.source_name)
p = Path(__file__).absolute() # current script path
file = p.parent / "saved_settings.json"
content = S.obs_data_get_json(Data._settings_)
with open(file, "w") as f:
except Exception as e:
print(e, "cannot write to file")
Full source
See also :
To identify with obs_source_get_unversioned_id
, or creating source/filter.
Name | Source type identifier string |
Application Audio Capture (BETA) | wasapi_process_output_capture |
Browser | browser_source |
Color Source | color_source |
Display Capture | monitor_capture |
Game Capture | game_capture |
Image Slide Show | slideshow |
Image | image_source |
Media Source | ffmpeg_source |
Text (GDI+) | text_gdiplus |
Window Capture | window_capture |
Name | Source type identifier string |
3-Band Equalizer | basic_eq_filter |
Async Delay | async_delay_filter |
Chroma Key V2 | chroma_key_filter_v2 |
Chroma Key | chroma_key_filter |
Color Correction V2 | color_filter_v2 |
Color Correction | color_filter |
Color Grade | color_grade_filter |
Color Key V2 | color_key_filter_v2 |
Color Key | color_key_filter |
Compressor | compressor_filter |
Crop/Pad | crop_filter |
Expander | expander_filter |
GPU Delay | gpu_delay_filter |
Gain | gain_filter |
HDR Tone Mapping (Override) | hdr_tonemap_filter |
Image Mask/Blend | mask_filter |
Invert Polarity | invert_polarity_filter |
Limiter | limiter_filter |
Luma Key V2 | luma_key_filter_v2 |
Luma Key | luma_key_filter |
Mask V2 | mask_filter_v2 |
Mask | mask_filter |
Noise Gate | noise_gate_filter |
Noise Suppression V2 | noise_suppress_filter_v2 |
Noise Suppression | noise_suppress_filter |
Render Delay | gpu_delay |
Scaling/Aspect Ratio | scale_filter |
Scroll | scroll_filter |
Sharpen V2 | sharpness_filter_v2 |
Sharpen | sharpness_filter |
Upward Compressor | upward_compressor_filter |
VST 2.x Plug-in | vst_filter |
Video Delay (Async) | async_delay_filter |
Create source and add it to current scene
S.obs_data_set_string(settings, "text", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")
source = S.obs_source_create_private("text_gdiplus", "test_py", settings)
S.obs_scene_add(scene, source)
Full source
See also :
Get current scene , get source name, move source to location
def __init__(self):
pos = S.vec2()
self.location = pos
def move_text_source(self):
current_scene = S.obs_frontend_get_current_scene()
source = S.obs_get_source_by_name("test_py")
scene = S.obs_scene_from_source(current_scene)
scene_item = S.obs_scene_find_source(scene, "test_py")
if scene_item:
dx, dy = 10, 10
print("old values", self.location.x)
scene_item, self.location
) # update to last position if its changed from OBS
self.location.x += dx
self.location.y += dy
print("new values", self.location.x)
S.obs_sceneitem_set_pos(scene_item, self.location)
def dup(self):
current_scene = S.obs_scene_from_source(S.obs_frontend_get_current_scene())
scene_item = S.obs_scene_find_source(current_scene, self.source_name)
info = S.obs_transform_info()
crop = S.obs_sceneitem_crop()
duplicate = S.obs_sceneitem_get_source(scene_item)
duplicated = S.obs_source_duplicate(
duplicate, "duplicate" + self.source_name, False
scenes = S.obs_frontend_get_scenes()
for scene in scenes:
name = S.obs_source_get_name(scene)
if name == self.scene_name:
scene = S.obs_scene_from_source(scene)
scene_item2 = S.obs_scene_add(scene, duplicated)
Filters are sources,they are not listed in obspython module, you need to know its id from obs_source_info
S.obs_data_set_int(settings, "opacity", 50)
source_color = S.obs_source_create_private(
"color_filter", "opacity to 50", settings
S.obs_source_filter_add(source, source_color)
Full source
See also :
Color correction source
def toggle(self):
current_scene = S.obs_scene_from_source(S.obs_frontend_get_current_scene())
scene_item = S.obs_scene_find_source(current_scene, self.source_name)
boolean = not S.obs_sceneitem_visible(scene_item)
S.obs_sceneitem_set_visible(scene_item, boolean)
def set_current_scene(self):
scenes = S.obs_frontend_get_scenes()
for scene in scenes:
name = S.obs_source_get_name(scene)
if name == self.scene_name:
scenes = S.obs_frontend_get_scenes() # Dropdown menu UI
for scene in scenes:
name = S.obs_source_get_name(scene)
S.obs_property_list_add_string(p, name, name)
def get_order(scene_items=None):
order = list()
for i, s in enumerate(scene_items):
source = S.obs_sceneitem_get_source(s)
name = S.obs_source_get_name(source)
order.append({"index": i, "name": name, "scene_item": s})
return order
def reorder():
current_scene = S.obs_frontend_get_current_scene()
with scene_ar(current_scene) as scene:
with scene_enum(scene) as scene_items:
order = get_order(scene_items)
# change second index with pre last
order[1]["index"], order[-2]["index"] = (
for s in sorted(order, key=lambda i: i["index"]):
S.obs_sceneitem_set_order_position(s["scene_item"], s["index"])
def add_random_text_source(scene):
r = " random text # " + str(randint(0, 10))
with data_ar() as settings:
S.obs_data_set_string(settings, "text", f"random text value {r}")
with source_create_ar("text_ft2_source", f"random text{r}", settings) as source:
pos = S.vec2()
pos.x = randint(0, 1920)
pos.y = randint(0, 1080)
scene_item = S.obs_scene_add(scene, source)
S.obs_sceneitem_set_pos(scene_item, pos)
def add_scene_with_sources():
current_scene_source = S.obs_frontend_get_current_scene()
with scene_from_source_ar(current_scene_source) as scene_source:
with scene_create_ar("_nested_scene") as _scene:
py_scene_source = S.obs_scene_get_source(_scene)
with scene_from_source_ar(py_scene_source) as scene:
# add created scene to current scene ( nested scene)
_scene_source = S.obs_scene_get_source(scene)
S.obs_scene_add(scene_source, _scene_source)
Note: sometimes OBS crashes if one of such scenes has been deleted.
def on_event(event):
raise Exception("Triggered when the current scene has changed.")
def script_load(settings):
Full source
See also:
Those functions return true or false :
Signals , callbacks , differences from C
sh = S.obs_get_signal_handler()
def callback(calldata):
source = S.calldata_source(cd,"source")
source_create, source_destroy, source_remove, source_save, source_load, source_activate, source_deactivate, source_show, source_hide, source_rename, source_volume, source_transition_start, source_transition_video_stop, source_transition_stop, channel_change, master_volume, hotkey_layout_change, hotkey_register, hotkey_unregister, hotkey_bindings_changed
def connect_cur_scene():
source = S.obs_frontend_get_current_scene()
sh = S.obs_source_get_signal_handler(source)
S.signal_handler_connect(sh, "item_add", callback)
def callback(calldata):
scene_item = S.calldata_sceneitem(calldata, "item")
#scene = S.calldata_source(cd,"scene") # bad utf symbols
scene = S.obs_sceneitem_get_scene(scene_item)
name = S.obs_source_get_name
source = S.obs_sceneitem_get_source
scene_source = S.obs_scene_get_source
scene_name = name(scene_source(scene))
scene_item_name = name(source(scene_item))
print(f"item {scene_item_name} has been added to scene {scene_name}")
item_add, item_remove, reorder, refresh, item_visible, item_locked, item_select, item_deselect, item_transform
sh = S.obs_source_get_signal_handler(some_source)
def callback(calldata):
source = S.calldata_source(cd,"source")
print("on source show",S.obs_source_get_name(source))
destroy, remove, save, load, activate, deactivate, show, hide, mute, push_to_mute_changed, push_to_mute_delay, push_to_talk_changed, push_to_talk_delay, enable, rename, volume, update_properties, update_flags, audio_sync, audio_mixers, filter_add, filter_remove, reorder_filters, transition_start, transition_video_stop, transition_stop, media_started, media_ended, media_pause, media_play, media_restart, media_stopped, media_next, media_previous, update, hooked, unhooked
def connect_to_rec():
sh = S.obs_output_get_signal_handler(S.obs_frontend_get_recording_output())
S.signal_handler_connect(sh, "pause", callback)
def callback(calldata):
#out = S.calldata_ptr(calldata, "output") # bad type
print('output paused')
start, stop, pause, unpause, starting, stopping, activate, deactivate, reconnect, reconnect_success
def script_update(settings):
eg.source_name = S.obs_data_get_string(settings, "source")
if eg.source_name != "":
S.timer_add(eg.update_text, 1 * 1000)
Full source
Note: each time script updated it's removed first
See also :
Version with globals and only one timer allowed.
def callback(pressed):
if pressed:
def busy_thread():
while True:
if not data.thread_paused:
data.status = "active"
# print to stdoud crashes OBS on exit
data.status = "inactive"
print('Press the "~" to toggle on/off')
hook("OBS_KEY_ASCIITILDE", "id_", callback)
S.timer_add(lambda: print(data.status), 500)
t = threading.Thread(target=busy_thread)
This hotkey example will create hotkeys in settings , but you need to bind it manually.
class Hotkey:
def __init__(self, callback, obs_settings, _id):
self.obs_data = obs_settings
self.hotkey_id = S.OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_ID
self.hotkey_saved_key = None
self.callback = callback
self._id = _id
class h:
htk_copy = None # this attribute will hold instance of Hotkey
h1 = h()
h2 = h()
def script_load(settings):
h1.htk_copy = Hotkey(cb1, settings, "h1_id")
h2.htk_copy = Hotkey(cb2, settings, "h2_id")
def script_save(settings):
This hotkey example will create hotkeys on fly from json settings , but you need to know internal id.
ID = "htk_id"
JSON_DATA = '{"%s":[{"key":"OBS_KEY_1"}]}' % ID
def on_obs_key_1(pressed):
if pressed:
raise Exception("hotkey 1 pressed")
def script_load(settings):
s = S.obs_data_create_from_json(JSON_DATA)
a = S.obs_data_get_array(s, ID)
h = S.obs_hotkey_register_frontend(ID, ID, on_obs_key_1)
S.obs_hotkey_load(h, a)
Here is how send hotkey to OBS
def send_hotkey(obs_htk_id, key_modifiers=None):
if key_modifiers:
shift = key_modifiers.get("shift")
control = key_modifiers.get("control")
alt = key_modifiers.get("alt")
command = key_modifiers.get("command")
combo = S.obs_key_combination()
combo.modifiers = modifiers
combo.key = S.obs_key_from_name(obs_htk_id)
S.obs_hotkey_inject_event(combo, False)
S.obs_hotkey_inject_event(combo, True)
S.obs_hotkey_inject_event(combo, False)
- Full source
- Example with json
- Example with send hotkey
- Example with global - The use of
is not recommended as it reduces readability. - Example with many hotkeys - Implementation of keyboard, easily add many hotkeys to the program.
See also: obsproject/obs-websocket#595
def play_sound():
mediaSource = S.obs_source_create_private(
"ffmpeg_source", "Global Media Source", None
s = S.obs_data_create()
S.obs_data_set_string(s, "local_file", script_path() + "alert.mp3")
S.obs_source_update(mediaSource, s)
Write in one script
def send_to_private_data(data_type, field, result):
settings = S.obs_data_create()
set = getattr(obs, f"obs_data_set_{data_type}")
set(settings, field, result)
def write_private_data():
result = "private value from " + str(__file__) + " " + str(randint(1, 10))
send_to_private_data("string", "__private__", result)
Read from another
def p_data_ar(data_type, field):
settings = S.obs_get_private_data()
get = getattr(obs, f"obs_data_get_{data_type}")
yield get(settings, field)
def print_private_data():
with p_data_ar("string", "__private__") as value:
Lua is also supported
local obs = obslua
local settings = S.obs_data_create()
S.obs_data_set_int(settings,"__private__", 7)
def send_hotkey_to_browser(source, obs_htk_id, key_modifiers=None, key_up=False):
key = S.obs_key_from_name(obs_htk_id)
vk = S.obs_key_to_virtual_key(key)
event = S.obs_key_event()
event.native_vkey = vk
event.modifiers = get_modifiers(key_modifiers)
event.native_modifiers = event.modifiers #
event.native_scancode = vk
event.text = ""
S.obs_source_send_key_click(source, event, key_up)
def press_tab(*p):
with source_auto_release(G.source_name) as source:
send_hotkey_to_browser(source, "OBS_KEY_TAB")
send_hotkey_to_browser(source, "OBS_KEY_TAB", key_up=True)
def press_shift_tab(*p):
with source_auto_release(G.source_name) as source:
send_hotkey_to_browser(source, "OBS_KEY_TAB", {"shift": True})
send_hotkey_to_browser(source, "OBS_KEY_TAB", {"shift": True}, key_up=True)
cd = S.calldata_create()
ph = S.obs_source_get_proc_handler(source)
S.calldata_set_string(cd, "eventName", "my-test-event")
S.calldata_set_string(cd, "jsonString", '{"key123": "\\nvalue123"}')
S.proc_handler_call(ph, "javascript_event", cd)
Page source code, currently has no permission requirements.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body style="background-color:aquamarine;">
<h1>HTML h1 in body element</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.addEventListener('my-test-event', function(event) {
document.body.innerHTML +=(event.detail['key123']);
There is FFI ctypes
module in Python to wrap native obs
However,to run it on GNU/Linux you must start obs with LD_PRELOAD
ubsdrive3@usbdrive3:~$ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ obs
It might be in different directory, use find /usr -name 'libpython*'
find exact location.
volmeter_callback_t = CFUNCTYPE(
None, c_void_p, POINTER(c_float), POINTER(c_float), POINTER(c_float)
argtypes=[POINTER(Volmeter), volmeter_callback_t, c_void_p],
def volmeter_callback(data, mag, peak, input):
G.noise = float(peak[0])
wrap("obs_frontend_get_profile_config", POINTER(Config), use_lib=G.obsffi_front)
# const char *config_get_string(config_t *config, const char *section,
# const char *name)
wrap("config_get_string", c_char_p, argtypes=[POINTER(Config), c_char_p, c_char_p])
wrap("config_num_sections", c_size_t, argtypes=[POINTER(Config)])
wrap("config_get_section", c_char_p, argtypes=[POINTER(Config), c_size_t])
def output_to_stdout():
cfg = G.obs_frontend_get_profile_config()
e = lambda x: x.encode("utf-8")
s = G.config_get_string(cfg, e("SimpleOutput"), e("FilePath"))
l = G.config_num_sections(cfg)
for i in range(l):
tag = G.config_get_section(cfg, c_size_t(i))
print(s, l)
cfg = cast(
c_void_p(int(S.obs_frontend_get_profile_config())), POINTER(Config)
Note,that this uses obspython.obs_frontend_get_profile_config
so there is no need to load additional libraries and write glue ctypes code.
service = S.obs_frontend_get_streaming_service()
settings = S.obs_service_get_settings(service)
S.obs_data_set_string(settings, "key", _G._my_key)
S.obs_service_update(service, settings)
It is possible to grab raw frame from source see: Get video frames programmatically - this is a viable option if you want check frame data in memory, with no plugins or recompilation. Other methods:
- Fork + Windows only, it hasOutput to Named Shared Memory Output
among other things.obs-python
- Cython obs plugin with raw frames supportobs-virtualcam
- Plugin, read webcam frames, relatedobs-rs
- Uses the decoupled hook implementation of OBS Studio, written in Rust, uses Windows API, possible to port to Python ctypes.DXcam
- Current maintained standalone DirectX high performance screen capture written in Python ctypes.
There is no stdin therefore you can't use pdb , options are:
- ⭐ using
- using generated log file (contains information about memory leaks), also accessible via Help>Log Files>View Current Log
- using pycharm remote debugging (localhost)
- using vscode attach to the process:
- Load python extension
- open script file ,
pip install debugpy
, placedebugpy.breakpoint()
somewhere- Run (F5) select configuration ( Attach using Process ID)
- select obs (on windows
) - View select Debug Console (ctrl+shift+y)
- Example debugpy obs
- "Calling home" - see
- On GNU/Linux there is handy program called
, to run a check against OBS Studio - use this command (it is active on 443 port on start and on end)
# tcpdump -i <your_interface_e_g_wifi_or_wire> 'port 443'
- Avoid using
or admin, check hashsums, do backups, do updates, setup a firewall, do hardening, etc... - There is no confirmation for loading Lua or Python scripts - they can be added/overwritten via .json key
- Also solutions for Python source code obfuscation & loading from shared (compiled) library do exist. Applying that will make it a bit harder to reverse-engineer your private code.
- Legal info (trademark) link
- Privacy policy - - keyword downlodable software
Contains all variables and functions available in obspython
formatted with markdown. Table consist of links to appropriate search terms in OBS Studio repository, links to scripts in obspython
and obslua
with each script within GitHub code search.gs_*
and matrix_*
functions exluded from that table.
Export names
Generated export including graphics index.csv
- All variable and function exports.Generated export libobs for ctypes index.csv
- Created usingdumpbin
tool with this command.\dumpbin /exports "C:\Program Files\obs-studio\bin\64bit\obs.dll"
- 28.0.0 version - Most Python 3 versions will work now, so there is no restriction to 3.6.8
- 28.0.0 version - NO support for Windows 7 & 8, macOS 10.13 & 10.14, Ubuntu 18.04 and all 32-bit operating systems
- 28.0.0 version - Added native support for websocket
- 30.0.0 version - Python 3.11 support for Windows and mac OS
- 30.0.0 version - Lua binary libraries loading fix
- 30.1.0 version - Premultiplied Alpha option for game capture on Windows
- Scripts forum , Github topic
, Github topicobs-script
, Github loginobslua
, Github loginobspython
, Github keywordobs
2024 - Awesome OBS Studio collection
- OBS Studio Repo , obs-scripting-python.c
- Docs , Docs/scripting , Docs/plugins , Docs index
- obspython Gist , Github ,
- obslua Gist , Github ,
- Lua tips and tricks
- Python 3.11.9, 64-bit installer, for Microsoft Windows
Something missing? Write a PR!