fix(drip): add rustls to reqwest features #3942
Garnix CI / package hubble-image [x86_64-linux]
2025-03-04 23:53:52
Run results
Build running...
Last 100 lines of logs:
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m prost-types v0.12.3
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m coset v0.3.8
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m poem-openapi v5.0.2 (
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m alloy-consensus-any v0.11.1
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m alloy-network-primitives v0.11.1
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m codespan v0.11.1
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�
[32m Compiling�[0m arr_macro_impl v0.2.1
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m serde_with_macros v3.9.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m pem v1.1.1
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m alloy-json-rpc v0.11.1
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m core_affinity v0.8.1
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m simple_asn1 v0.6.2
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m rlp v0.5.2
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m colored v2.1.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m pkcs1 v0.7.5
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m futures-utils-wasm v0.1.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m procfs v0.16.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m protobuf v2.28.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m bytemuck v1.15.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m rustls v0.23.7
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m data-encoding v2.5.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m fixedbitset v0.4.2
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m petgraph v0.6.4
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m passkey-types v0.2.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m rsa v0.9.6
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m move-coverage v0.1.0 (
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m impl-rlp v0.3.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m jsonwebtoken v8.3.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m aptos-experimental-runtimes v0.1.0 (
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m serde_with v3.9.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m arr_macro v0.2.1
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m alloy-rpc-types-eth v0.11.1
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m flate2 v1.0.28
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m move-compiler v0.0.1 (
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m aptos-dkg v0.1.0 (
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m move-table-extension v0.1.0 (
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0
m hyper-tls v0.6.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m which v4.4.2
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m tower v0.5.2
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m const-random-macro v0.1.16
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m axum-core v0.3.4
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m aptos-bitvec v0.1.0 (
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m dashmap v5.5.3
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m quick_cache v0.5.2
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m procfs-core v0.16.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m fixed-hash v0.8.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m bcs v0.1.6
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m fxhash v0.2.1
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m num-derive v0.3.3
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m serde-big-array v0.5.1
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m impl-serde v0.4.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m async-stream-impl v0.3.5
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m sync_wrapper v0.1.2
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m multimap v0.8.3
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m webpki-roots v0.25.4
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m prettier-please v0.2.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m prometheus v0.13.4
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m prost-build v0.12.3
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m async-stream v0.3.5
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m primitive-types v0.12.2
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m aptos-types v0.0.3 (
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m internment v0.5.6
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m const-random v0.1.18
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m alloy-transport v0.11.1
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m reqwest v0.12.5
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m move-disassembler v0.1.0 (
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m pbjson-build v0.6.2 (
0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m axum v0.6.20
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m strum_macros v0.26.4
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m ripemd v0.1.3
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m fs-err v2.11.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m unicase v2.7.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m derive-syn-parse v0.2.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m macro_magic_core_macros v0.5.1
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m num_enum_derive v0.7.2
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m virtue v0.0.18
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m glob v0.3.1
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m match_cfg v0.1.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m hostname v0.3.1
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m bincode_derive v2.0.0-rc.3 (
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m num_enum v0.7.2
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m macro_magic_core v0.5.1
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m strum v0.26.3
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m pbjson-types v0.6.0 (
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m move-model v0.1.0 (
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m alloy-transport-http v0.11.1
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m alloy-rpc-types-any v0.11.1
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m alloy-signer v0.11.1
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m axum-macros v0.3.8
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m tokio-io-timeout v1.2.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m aptos-log-derive v0.1.0 (
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m bitmaps v2.1.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m im v15.1.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m erased-serde v0.3.31
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m aptos-global-constants v0.1.0 (
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compiling�[0m expander v2.1.0
hubble-0.0.0> �[1m�[32m Compi