Releases: umami-hep/puma
Releases · umami-hep/puma
What's Changed
- Default to pdf plots in the HLAPI by @samvanstroud in #299
- Update by @nhartman94 in #300
- Fixing ratio calculation issue when using no error band by @afroch in #302
- Enabled option to change atlas_first_tag in track origin plots by @jmw464 in #303
- Adding show() function support by @afroch in #304
New Contributors
- @nhartman94 made their first contribution in #300
Full Changelog: v0.4.3...v0.4.4
What's Changed
- Removing hardcoded kwargs from high-level plotting by @afroch in #293
- Adding missing unit tests by @afroch in #295
- Adding new n_tracks_origin plots by @afroch in #294
- Truth Hadron Functions to Calculate Truth Vertex Mass from Truth-level Track to Hadron asssociation by @LauraPereiraSanchez in #285
- Update tools package version by @samvanstroud in #296
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.4.1
What's Changed
- Update codecov by @samvanstroud in #280
- Added SV mass histograms using pion hypothesis by @jmw464 in #265
- Better looking error bars on stacked histograms by @nikitapond in #281
- Cosmetic update for ROCs, bump versions by @samvanstroud in #282
- Minor updates to plot_vertex_mass function by @jmw464 in #284
- Fix examples test by @samvanstroud in #287
- Adding colour-blind-friendly colours as default colours for taggers by @afroch in #286
- Improve roc cosmetics by @samvanstroud in #288
- Autohide labels that would cause formatting issues by @samvanstroud in #289
- Clean up docs by @samvanstroud in #290
Full Changelog: v0.3.6...v0.4.0
What's Changed
- Confusion Matrix: added per-class fake rates plus minor appearance changes by @LucioDerin in #266
- Track origin confusion matrix padding fix by @jmw464 in #267
- Redefine fake rate by @LucioDerin in #268
- Tauma - Taus in Yuma by @nikitapond in #272
- Minor update for auxtask plots by @samvanstroud in #273
- Ignore ptau if missing from tagger discriminant by @samvanstroud in #274
- Add option for alternative ratio calculation for VarVsVar by @AndriusVaitkus97 in #271
- Precision and Recall scores by @LucioDerin in #275
- Merged precision and recall functions by @LucioDerin in #276
- Improved control in high-level interface for auxiliary plots by @nikitapond in #277
- Update names of aux variables by @jmw464 in #270
- Bump version to 0.3.6 by @dkobylianskii in #278
New Contributors
- @AndriusVaitkus97 made their first contribution in #271
Full Changelog: v0.3.5...v0.3.6
What's Changed
- Change to vertexing performance calculation by @jmw464 in #259
- Update underoverflow docs by @Knils0607 in #260
- Fix setting ymin_ratio (and ymax_ratio) in PlotBase if it is zero by @jansam123 in #261
- Matrix plot and Track Origin confusion matrix by @LucioDerin in #258
- Confusion matrix: fix normalization behavior. by @LucioDerin in #262
- Fix yuma fscan by @nikitapond in #263
- Bump version to 0.3.5 by @dkobylianskii in #264
New Contributors
- @Knils0607 made their first contribution in #260
- @LucioDerin made their first contribution in #258
Full Changelog: v0.3.4...v0.3.5
What's Changed
- Fix marker size not changing when explicitly changed in init of V… by @jansam123 in #243
- Allow yuma base path to work with tagger sample dir by @samvanstroud in #246
- Fix taggers selection configuration for yuma by @WeiShengL in #247
- Update requirements.txt with new version of tables by @adamwarnerbring in #245
- Yuma improvements by @nikitapond in #244
- Plot all taggers if no option specified by @nikitapond in #248
- Moving tutorial from FTAG documentation by @WeiShengL in #249
- fixing crash in example - df format by @LauraPereiraSanchez in #251
- Update aux_results class by @jmw464 in #252
- Fix for vertexing performance plots by @jmw464 in #253
- Minor bugfix in HF vertex merging by @jmw464 in #255
- Switch to mkdocs by @dkobylianskii in #254
- Better filenames when using the high level API by @samvanstroud in #256
New Contributors
- @jansam123 made their first contribution in #243
- @WeiShengL made their first contribution in #247
- @adamwarnerbring made their first contribution in #245
- @LauraPereiraSanchez made their first contribution in #251
Full Changelog: v0.3.3...v0.3.4
What's Changed
- Update docs with yuma by @samvanstroud in #234
- Misc yuma improvements by @nikitapond in #235
- Pyproject installl deps and yuma config cleanup by @samvanstroud in #236
- Improve yuma config by @samvanstroud in #237
- Generalize and refine aux task plotting tools by @jmw464 in #229
- Yuma tweaks by @samvanstroud in #238
- Fix ROC x-range configuration for yuma by @samvanstroud in #239
- Remove discriminant code and support ftau in hlapi by @samvanstroud in #240
- Updating ruff by @samvanstroud in #241
- Load ptau in Results class by @samvanstroud in #242
Full Changelog: v0.3.2...v0.3.3
What's Changed
- Addition of vertexing performance tools by @jmw464 in #216
- consistent fc scan colours by @samvanstroud in #228
- metric.weighted_percentile fixing bug connected to range of a float by @IvanOleksiyuk in #231
- Remove scipy dependency by @dkobylianskii in #232
- Add multiple perf_vars support by @dkobylianskii in #233
- Yuma - Yaml configs for pUMA by @nikitapond in #204
New Contributors
- @jmw464 made their first contribution in #216
- @IvanOleksiyuk made their first contribution in #231
Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.3.2