Code for reconstructing 2D sound speed maps from time-of-flight data using straight-ray-SART.
This code is intended to be used to reconstruct ultrasound tomography (UST) data acquired from 2D ring array transducer hardware, such as the open-UST system.
Note: This code does not handle absorption or density, and only inverts for sound speed.
- This inverse problem cannot be solved by direct matrix inversion because the coefficient matrix is too large to be stored in memory.
- Alternatively, iterative methods should be used, such as Kaczmarz's method of projections.
- This code is an implementation of the straight ray tracing technique described by Kak and Slaney in Chapter 7 of
A. C. Kak and Malcolm Slaney, Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging, IEEE Press, 1988
(section 7.4, or p.11 in the pdf), available here, or in this repository.
For a transducer ring array with N elements:
: this is a N x N matrix. Each(tdx, rdx)
value contains the time-of-flight difference in seconds between the phantom UST data and the watershot UST data, for the ray joining thetdx
transducer elements:delta_tof(tdx, rdx) = tof_phantom(tdx, rdx) - tof_water(tdx, rdx)
. Values ofNaN
should be used for missing data, not0
: this is a N x 2 matrix containing the cartesian coordinates of each transducer element. The ring array should be centred on(0, 0)
Note: Reciprocity means that a ray joining tx = 1
with rx = 139
should have the same time-of-flight data as a ray joining tx = 139
with rx = 1
. Therefore, for faster computation the lower triangular part of delta_tof
should be set to NaN
so that the code ignores these rays.
For every iteration, the sound speed estimate c_est
is first converted to relative slowness:
s_est = ((1 ./ c_est) - (1 ./ c_water));
The slowness difference relative to water s_est
is then used to solve the effective linear alebgra problem
delta_tof = d * s_est;
using Kaczmarz's method of projections, since the distance matrix d
is too large to store in memory.
Finally, the new slowness estimate new_s_est
is converted back to sound speed:
new_c_est = c_water ./ ((new_s_est .* c_water) + 1);
This process repeats for each iteration.
For fast computation, it is common to start the image reconstruction on a coarse grid, and to then upsample the computational grid as the iterations progress. In ust-sart
, the array ups
is defined which contains the upsample factors for each iteration, relative to the starting grid size. For example:
ups = [1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4]; % upsampling factors for each iteration
Nit = length(ups); % number of iterations
dx0 = 8e-3; % step size for iteration 1 [m]
In this case, six iterations would be performed, starting with a step size of 8 mm, progressing to a step size of 4 mm, and finishing with a step size of 2 mm. For every iteration, the physical length of the computational grid remains the same, and the sound speed map is interpolated to match the required grid step size.
Since the sound speed values at the boundary are known to represent water, the rays can be hamming-weighted to promote sound speed updates nearer to the reconstruction circle centre. This is controlled by an optional boolean input parameter:
hamming = true;
sart.reconstructSart(ref_c, Nit, dx0, ups, hamming=hamming);
Clone this repository in a terminal: git clone
Open Matlab2022a or more recent, and add the folder to the path:
Change directories to the example folder, and run the example script sart_example.m
close all
% Make sure ust-sart is on the path
% remove lower triangle TOF data (it's reciprocal) to save computation time
delta_tof(logical(tril(ones(size(delta_tof)), -1))) = NaN;
% Initialise sart object
sart = SartExperiment(element_positions, delta_tof);
% Visualise default reconstruction circle diameter, calculated for this geometry
recon_d = sart.default_recon_d;
% Perform reconstruction
ups = [1 * ones(1, 45), ...
2 * ones(1, 30),...
4 * ones(1, 5)]; % upsampling factors for each iteration
Nit = length(ups); % number of iterations
dx0 = 4e-3; % step size for iteration 1 [m]
ref_c = 1480; % reference sound speed value for background [m/s]
hamming = true; % boolean controlling whether hamming window is used
border_width = 1; % width of non-updating region at edge of reconstruction circle (integer multiples of dx0)
sart.reconstructSart(ref_c, Nit, dx0, ups, ...
recon_d=0.135, border_width=border_width, hamming=hamming);
% plot final estimate and save
sart.plotReconResult(cRange=[1425, 1580]);
The function pickFirstMotionAIC
is included in \time_of_arrival_picking
, along with a script containing examples of its usage - time_of_arrival_example.m
. This function estimates which sample in a signal array corresponds to the 'first-motion' (arrival) of the wave packet. An example of how this could be used to build the input data matrix delta_tof
, is provided here:
% watershot: (Ntdx, Nrdx) UST dataset through the water only
% phantom: (Ntdx, Nrdx) UST dataset through the phantom
% Ntdx: Number of transmitters
% Nrdx: Number of receivers
% dt: Time sample length [s]
delta_tof = NaN * ones(Ntdx, Nrdx)
for tdx = 1:Ntdx
for rdx = 1:Nrdx
i_water = pickFirstMotionAIC( squeeze(watershot(tdx, rdx,:)) );
i_phantom = pickFirstMotionAIC( squeeze(phantom(tdx, rdx,:)) );
i_delta = i_phantom - i_water;
t_delta = i_delta * dt;
delta_tof(tdx, rdx) = t_delta