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Gencon 50 Best Years In Gaming Blacklight Upgrade

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Blacklight Instance for The Best 50 Years in Gaming site (Version 2)
Steven Ng

Blacklight Instance for The Best 50 Years in Gaming site (Version 2)

System Requirements

Requires Ruby 3.4.2

This Blacklight instance requires SolrCloud. A local version of SolrCloud may be run by using the TULibraries Ansible SolrCloud Playbook:

SolrCloud will require Docker...

Getting started

Clone the github repository locally and change into the directory

git clone
cd gencon50


Install the gem dependencies (generally we do this in an rvm gemset)

bundle install

Run the database migration

bundle exec rails db:migrate

Create the application file

cp .env.example .env

and edit the .env content's SOLR_URL enviornment variable.

Configure for Solr

Configure dotenv to use SolrWrapper

cp .env.example .env

Ensure .env contains


Solr may be run with Solr_Wrapper or SolrCloud (preferred).

Start up with solr_wrapper

In a separate terminal window:

bundle exec solr_wrapper

Start up SolrCloud

cd ../ansible-playbook-solrcloud
make up-lite
cd ../gencon50

Create a local user. Feel free to use your own email and password

bundle exec rails runner " => '[email protected]', :password => 'password', :password_confirmation => 'password').save!"

Start the Gencon50 application

bundle exec rails server

Ingest some data

To seed the database with a csv file form the command line ,use the following command. Replace path/to/datafile.csv with the path to the file to upload.

bin/csv2solr harvest path/to/datafile.csv --mapfile=config/solr_map.yml

In a web browser, visit http://localhost:3000 and search the Gencon programs for the first fifty years.

Running the Tests

Setup for developing new request and feature tests

Tests require an instance of Solr to which to connect, and run once to record into the VCR gem test fixtures. To update the initial index database to create these fixtures, go to the ansible-playbook-solrcloud, restart the SolrCloud instance with make up-lite.

Testing requires a fresh solr index. restart Solr Cloud instances before running these tests.

If you need to access Solr index to generate new tests, harvest the csv files in the spec/fixtures directory

LOADSOLR=y bundle exec rspec spec

Ensure that requests to the Solr server are in VCR blocks set initially to record. For example:

VCR.use_cassette("responseDefaultIndex", record: :once) do
  get "?search_field=all_fields&q="

Note the :record mode is set to once. After you perform this spec, change the record mode to :none to run future tests without the need for Solr to be running.

Subsequent runs of the specs should execute without need to connect to the Solr server. At this point, you may go to the andible-playbook-solrcloud directory and stop SolrCloud instance with make down

Execute your specs with:

bundle exec rspec spec


Each branch and each PR merge will trigger a build on CircleCI that will run all tests.

QA Deploy

Merges to main trigger a deploy to qa.

Prod Deploy

Creating a release triggers a deploy to production.