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File metadata and controls

443 lines (323 loc) · 19.8 KB


A command is the fundamental unit of linters. It defines specifically what binary and arguments are used to run the linter. A linter can have multiple commands in case it has multiple behaviors (ex: lint and format), but it must have at least one.

How Code Qualit Runs Linters

The run property is the command to actually run a linter. This command can use variables provided by the runtime such as ${plugin} and ${target}.

For example: this is the run field for black, one of our Python linters. The run field is set to black -q ${target}.

version: 0.1
    - name: black
      runtime: python
      package: black[python2,jupyter]
      shims: [black]
      known_good_version: 22.3.0
    - name: black
      files: [python, jupyter, python-interface]
        - name: format
          output: rewrite
          run: black -q ${target}
          success_codes: [0]
          batch: true
          in_place: true
          allow_empty_files: false
          cache_results: true
          formatter: true
      tools: [black]
      suggest_if: files_present
      affects_cache: [pyproject.toml]
      known_good_version: 22.3.0
        parse_regex: black, version (.*)
        run: black --version

This command template contains all the information Trunk needs to execute black in a way where Trunk will be able to understand blacks's output.

Input Target

The target field specifies what paths this linter will run on given an input file. It may be a string literal such as ., which will run the linter on the whole repository. It also supports various substitutions:

Variable Description
${file} The input file.
${parent} The folder containing the file.
${parent_with(<name>)} Walks up toward the repository root looking for the first folder containing <name>. If <name> is not found, do not run any linter.
${root_or_parent_with(<name>)} Walks up toward the repository root looking for the first folder containing <name>. If <name> is not found, evaluate to the repository root.

If target is not specified it will default to ${file}.

This target may be referenced in the run field as ${target}, as in the example above for black, or this simple example.

    - name: noop
      files: [ALL]
        - name: format
          output: rewrite
          formatter: true
          run: cat ${target}

or via stdin, by specifying stdin: true:

    - name: noop
      files: [ALL]
        - name: format
          output: rewrite
          formatter: true
          run: cat -
          stdin: true

Note: Linters that take their input via stdin may still want to know the file's path so that they can, say, generate diagnostics with the file's path. In these cases you can still use ${target} in run.

Exit codes

Linters often use different exit codes to categorize the outcome. For instance, markdownlint uses 0 to indicate that no issues were found, 1 to indicate that the tool ran successfully but issues were found, and 2, 3, and 4 for tool execution failures.

Trunk supports specifying either success_codes or error_codes for a linter:

  • if success_codes are specified, Trunk expects a successful linter invocation (which may or may not find issues) to return one of the specified success_codes;
  • if error_codes are specified, Trunk expects a successful linter invocation to return any exit
    code which is not one of the specified error_codes.

markdownlint, for example, has success_codes: [0, 1] in its configuration.

Note: A linter command should set either success codes or error codes, but not both**.**

Working directory

run_from determines what directory a linter command is run from.

<path> (. by default)Explicit path to run from
${parent}Parent of the target file; e.g. would be foo/bar for foo/bar/hello.txt
${root_or_parent_with(<file>)}Nearest parent directory containing the specified file
${root_or_parent_with_dir(<dir>)}Nearest parent directory containing the specified directory
${root_or_parent_with_regex(<regex>)}Nearest parent directory containing a file or directory matching specified regex
${root_or_parent_with_direct_config}Nearest parent directory containing a file from direct_configs
${root_or_parent_with_any_config}Nearest parent directory containing a file from affects_cache or direct_configs
${target_directory}Run the linter from the same directory as the target file, and change the target to be .
${compile_command}Run from the directory where compile_commands.json is located

Template Variables

Note that some of the fields in this command template contain ${} tokens: these tokens are why command is a template and are replaced at execution time with the value of that variable within the context of the lint action being executed.

Variable Description
${workspace} Path to the root of the repository
${target} Path to the file to check, relative to ${workspace}
${linter} Path to the directory the linter was downloaded to
${runtime} Path to the directory the runtime (e.g. node) was downloaded to
${upstream-ref} Upstream git commit that is being used to calculate new/existing/fixed issues
${plugin} Path to the root of the plugin's repository

Limiting concurrency

If you would like to limit the number of times trunk will invoke a linter concurrently, then you can use the maximum_concurrency option. For example, setting maximum_concurrency: 1 will limit Trunk from running more than one instance of the linter simultaneously.

Environment variables

Trunk by default runs linters without environment variables from the parent shell; however, most linters need at least some such variables to be set, so Trunk allows specifying them using environment; for example, the environment for ktlint looks like this:

    name: ktlint
    # ...
      - name: PATH
        list: ["${linter}"]
      - name: LANG
        value: en_US.UTF-8

Most environment entries are maps with name and value keys; these become name=value environment variables. For PATH, we allow specifying list, in which case we concatenate the entries with :.

We use the same template syntax for environment as we do for command.

Output Types and Parsing

The output of a command should be in one of the supported output types like SARIF or something that can be parsed with a regex. See See Output Types for more details. If the standard output types do not meet your needs, you can also create a custom parser.

Full Reference

The linter command definitions are defined in lint.definitions.commands. A single linter can have multiple commands if it is used in different ways.

Note:. If you define the executable to run here (the command definition), then you should not define it also in the linter definition. Defining it here as a command is preferred.


allow_empty_files: optional boolean. Skip linting empty files for this linter. Trunk will assume there are no linters if the file is empty.


batch: optional boolean. Combine multiple files into the same execution. If true, the ${target} template substitution in the run field may expand into multiple files.


cache_ttl, duration string. If this linter is not idempotent, this is how long cached results are kept before they expire. Defaults to 24hrs. See Output Caching for more details.


cache_results: optional boolean. Indicates if this linter wants to cache results. See Caching for more details.


disable_upstream: optional boolean, Whether this linter supports comparing against the upstream version of this file.


error_codes: List of exit codes this linter will return when it hit an internal failure and couldn't generate results. A linter should set either success codes or error codes, but not both. See also success_codes.


enabled: optional boolean. Whether the command is enabled to run when the linter is run. Allows some commands of a linter to be run by default without others.


files is a list of file types listed in the lint.files section that this linter applies to.

Example: prettier full source

    - name: prettier
        - typescript
        - yaml
        - css
        - sass
        - html
        - markdown
        - json
        - javascript
        - graphql
        - prettier_supported_configs


fix_prompt, optional string. e.g. 'Incorrect formatting' or 'Unoptimized image'. This string is used when prompting the user to use the linter interactively.


fix_verb: optional string. This string is used when prompting the user to use the linter interactively. Example: optimize, autoformat, or compress.


formatter: optional boolean. Whether this command is a formatter and should be included in trunk fmt.


in_place: optional boolean. Indicates that this formatter will rewrite the file in place. Only applies to formatters.


idempotent: optional boolean. Indicates whether a linter is idempotent with config and source code inputs. For example, semgrep fetches rules from the Internet, so it is not idempotent . If set, will only cache results a duration of cache_ttl. See Output Caching for more details.


is_security: optional boolean. Whether findings from this command should be considered "security" or not. Allows this linter to be run with --scope==security. See Command Line Options


maximum_file_size: optional number. The maximum file size in bytes for input files to the linter. If not specified, the lint.default_max_file_size will be used.


max_concurrency: optional integer, The maximum number of processes that Trunk Code Quality will run concurrently for this linter. See Limiting Concurrency


name: string. A unique name for this command (some tools expose multiple commands, format, lint, analyze, etc.).


no_issues_codes: List of exit codes that Trunk will use to assume there were no issues without parsing the output.


output: string. which type of output this linter produces. See Output Types.


parser: The definition of a parser that will transform the output of the linter into SARIF. Not needed if linter is already output SARIF. See Output Types


parse_regex: string. A regular expression used to support regex parsing. See Regex output type


platforms: A list of platforms this linter supports. (ex: windows, macos, linux). Linters using managed runtimes (node, python, etc.) can generally run cross-platform and do not need the platforms property set. For tools which are platform specific or which have different configuration for each platform, this property can be used to distinguish between them. When multiple command definitions have the same name, Trunk Check will pick the first one that matches the platforms setting.

For example, the detekt plugin has different exit codes for Windows than MacOS or Linux, and has two command definitions with different success_codes fields. Full Source.

    - name: detekt
      files: [kotlin]
      download: detekt
        - name: lint
          platforms: [windows]
          output: sarif
            detekt-cli --build-upon-default-config --config 
                .detekt.yaml --input ${target,} --report
          success_codes: [0, 1, 2]
          read_output_from: tmp_file
          batch: true
          cache_results: true
        - name: lint
          output: sarif
            detekt-cli --build-upon-default-config --config 
                .detekt.yaml --input ${target,} --report
          success_codes: [0, 2]
          read_output_from: tmp_file
          batch: true
          cache_results: true


prepare_run: An extra command to run before running a linter.


read_output_from: Tell parser where to expect output from for reading. Should be one of stdout, stderr, and tmp_file. See Output Sources


run: The command to run a linter. This command can use variables provided at runtime such as $plugin} and $target}. Full list of variables. See Run for more details.

dart format command: full source

    - name: dart
      extensions: [dart]
    - name: dart
      main_tool: dart
        - name: format
          output: rewrite
          run: dart format ${target}


run_from: What current working directory to run the linter from. See Working Directory for more details.


run_when: When this command should be run. One of cli, lsp, monitor, or ci.


std_in: optional boolean. Should the command be fed the file on standard input?


success_codes: List of exit codes that indicates linter ran successfully. This is unrelated to whether or not there were issues reported by the linter.

Note: a linter should set either success codes or error codes, but not both. See also error_codes.


target, optional string, What target does this run on. By default, the target is the modified source code file, ${file}. Some linters operate on a whole repo or directory. See Input Target for more details.


nancy uses . as the target. full source

# nancy uses .
  - name: nancy
    files: [go-lockfile]
    download: nancy
    runtime: go
      - output: sarif
        run: sh ${plugin}/linters/nancy/
        success_codes: [0, 1, 2]
        target: .
        read_output_from: stdout
        is_security: true

tflint uses ${parent} as the target. full source

    - name: tflint
      files: [terraform]
        - name: lint
          output: sarif
          prepare_run: tflint --init
          run: tflint --format=sarif --force
          success_codes: [0, 1, 2]
          read_output_from: stdout
          # tflint can only run on the current directory unless --recursive is passed
          target: ${parent}
          run_from: ${target_directory}
          version: ">=0.47.0"

Clippy uses ${parent_with(Cargo.toml)} as the target. full source

version: 0.1
    # clippy has 3 lint severities: deny, warn, and allow. Unfortunately deny causes rustc to
    # fail eagerly due to its implementation (,
    # We use --cap-lints to downgrade "deny" severity lints to warn. So rustc will find all
    # issues instead of hard stopping. There are currently only 70 of them, so we could hardcode
    # the list to fix their severity levels correctly.
    - name: clippy
      files: [rust]
      download: rust
        - name: lint
          # Custom parser type defined in the trunk cli to handle clippy's JSON output.
          output: clippy
          target: ${parent_with(Cargo.toml)}
          run: cargo clippy --message-format json --locked -- --cap-lints=warn --no-deps
          success_codes: [0, 101, 383]
          run_from: ${target_directory}
          disable_upstream: true


version: optional string, Version constraint. When a linter has multiple commands with the same name, Trunk Code Quality will select the first command that matches the version constraint. This is useful for when multiple incompatible versions of a tool need to be supported.

Example: the ruff linter changed a command line argument from --format to --output-format in version v0.1.0. To handle both versions, the linter defines two commands with different version attributes. The first is for version >=0.1.0. If the first is not matched (because the install version of run is less that 0.1.0) then Trunk Code Quality will move on to the next command until it finds a match. Full source.

    - name: ruff
      files: [python]
        - name: lint
          # As of ruff v0.1.0, --format is replaced with --output-format
          version: ">=0.1.0"
          run: ruff check --cache-dir ${cachedir} --output-format json ${target}
          output: sarif
            runtime: python
            run: python3 ${cwd}/ 0
          batch: true
          success_codes: [0, 1]
        - name: lint
          run: ruff check --cache-dir ${cachedir} --format json ${target}
          output: sarif
            runtime: python
            run: python3 ${cwd}/ 1
          batch: true
          success_codes: [0, 1]