description |
Integrate with Trunk CI Analytics using the API |
The Trunk CI Analytics API provides access to instrument any CI or build system. The API is an HTTP REST API, returns JSON from all requests, and uses standard HTTP response codes.
All requests must be authenticated by providing the x-api-token
The track events endpoint uploads event data about a CI run. Each event contains a start and end timestamp, metrics, tags, and an optional parent association ID.
Name | Type | Description |
Content-Type* | String | application/json |
x-api-token* | String | Trunk API Token |
x-source | String | Name of the uploading client |
Name | Type | Description |
repo* | Object | The repository in which the CI Event ran. See repo schema. |
events* | Array | An array of event objects. See event schema. |
{% tabs %} {% tab title="200: OK Events were created successfully" %}
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="401: Unauthorized Request is not authorized" %}
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="400: Bad Request Request body is not formed correctly" %}
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
Name | Type | Description |
Content-Type* | String | AO8NCa6G0paE |
x-api-token* | String | 3HCw9xVi1CBh |
x-source | String | JBoUSZxipIYA |
Name | Type | Description |
repo* | Object | eN1mmETFshzM |
events* | Array | Mk0uImz3AIoq |
Repo object properties:
Property | Description | Required |
host | The name of the code host for this repository. Currently only is supported. | Required |
owner | The owner of this repository | Required |
name | The name of this repository | Required |
For example, the repository
would be
"host": "",
"owner": "trunk-io",
"name": "jenkins-plugin"
Event object properties
Property | Description | Required | Type |
id | A unique identifier for this event | Required | String |
chainId | The root event id. chainId is used to group all events that were part of the same run. | Required | String |
parent | The parent event. Not required if this event has no parent. | Optional | Object |
createdAt | The millisecond epoch marking the start of this event | Required | Number |
finishedAt | The millisecond epoch marking the end of this event | Optional | Number |
conclusion | "SUCCESS" | "FAILURE" | "CANCELLED" | "TIMED_OUT" | "SKIPPED" | Optional | String |
payload | An object containing metrics and tags. See payload schema. | Optional | Object |
sequence | Describes the workflow, pipeline, or job, etc. that this event is from. See sequence schema. | Optional | Object |
Parent object properties:
Property | Description | Required | Type |
eventId | The parent event's unique identifier | Required | String |
sequenceKey | The key to the parent event's sequence | Required | String |
Payload object properties:
Property | Description | Required | Type |
metrics | Each metric is an object containing the metric key and value (where value is a number). For example: {"k": "duration_ms", "v": 101920} | Required | Object |
tags | Each metric is an object containing the tag key and value (where value can be a number or a string). For example: {"k": "runner", "v": "self-hosted"} | Required | Object |
A sequence describes the CI pipeline, job, workflow, etc. Events are grouped under sequences using the sequenceKey
Sequence object properties:
Property | Description | Required | Type | Examples |
platform | The string name of the CI platform. Must be snake_case . | Required | String | jenkins , trunk_merge . |
kind | The type of the sequence. | Required | String | job , workflow |
key | An identifier for this sequence . Must be unique within the repo and < 128 characters. | Required | String | my-global-uuid |
name | The name of this sequence . These will appear as top-level entries in your CI Analytics dashboards. | Required | String | Integration Tests [linux] . |
payload | The tags for this sequence. See payload schema. (note: metrics are not supported for a sequence ) | Required | Object |
{% code fullWidth="true" %}
curl \
-i \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-source: curl-sample" \
-H "x-api-token: {REDACTED}" \
-d '{
"repo": {
"host": "",
"owner": "trunk-io",
"name": "jenkins-plugin"
"events": [{
"id": "fba555ee-90ce-42ca-a60c-38d200e9290e",
"chainId": "b0ea8b0d-6574-4421-a63b-56f04eab9738",
"createdAt": 1694616487000,
"finishedAt": 1694615487000,
"conclusion": "SUCCESS",
"sequence": {
"platform": "Jenkins",
"kind": "pipeline",
"key": "test-pipeline",
"name": "Trying out a test pipeline",
"payload": {
"tags": [{
"k": "label",
"v": "self-hosted"
"payload": {
"metrics": [{
"k": "duration_ms",
"v": 1000
"k": "api_latency",
"v": 500
"tags": [{
"k": "branch",
"v": "merge-PR-1"
"k": "sha",
"v": "88962a71bcfa92e5950670fc7e3f2b9f8d993b87"
"id": "test-workflow-a-1",
"chainId": "test-workflow-a-1",
"createdAt": 1694616487000,
"finishedAt": 1694615487000,
"conclusion": "SUCCESS",
"parent": {
"eventId": "fba555ee-90ce-42ca-a60c-38d200e9290e",
"chainId": "b0ea8b0d-6574-4421-a63b-56f04eab9738"
"sequence": {
"platform": "Jenkins",
"kind": "nested-pipeline",
"key": "test-pipeline/nested-pipeline",
"name": "Trying out a test nested pipeline",
"payload": {
"tags": [{
"k": "label",
"v": "self-hosted"
"payload": {
"metrics": [{
"k": "duration_ms",
"v": 1000
"k": "api_latency",
"v": 500
"tags": [{
"k": "branch",
"v": "merge-PR-1"
"k": "sha",
"v": "88962a71bcfa92e5950670fc7e3f2b9f8d993b87"
{% endcode %}