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Uhh pretty much the title. Make bots that play checkers, play them against each other :)



  • Python
  • Poetry (Can be installed with pipx install poetry)
cd checkers-bot-tournament
poetry install
poetry run checkers -h


poetry run checkers -h

usage: checkers [-h] --mode {one,all} [--board-state {default,last_row}] [--pdn PDN]
                [--bot BOT] [--size SIZE] [--rounds ROUNDS] [--verbose] [--export-pdn]
                [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR]
                bot_list [bot_list ...]

checkers-board-tournament cli

positional arguments:
  bot_list              List of bots

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --mode {one,all}      Mode of the game: 'one' for one bot against others, 'all' for all
                        bots against each other.
  --board-state {default,last_row}
                        Initial board state (this can be used together with --pdn)
  --pdn PDN             Initialise a game using a PDN
  --bot BOT             Name or path of the bot to use (required in 'one' mode).
  --size SIZE           Size of the board (default: 8).
  --rounds ROUNDS       Number of rounds to play (default: 1).
  --verbose             Enable verbose output.
  --export-pdn          Export as pdn output.
  --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Directory to save output files (default: .).


There are two ways to initialise a game, with --board-state options and a --pdn file (they can be used together).

Portable Draughts Notation

More information about PDN can be found here:

To view the checkers games in a UI website:


--verbose outputs a formatted game with extra information. --export-pdn outputs a pdn file.


Example 1

Run 2 instances of RandomBot and 1 instance of FirstBot against each other.

  • Enable verbose output (which logs the actual moves for each game)
  • Set output directory for the run
  • Run one round
poetry run checkers RandomBot RandomBot FirstMover --mode all --rounds 1 --verbose --output-dir output

Interpreting the Result Summary

The performance of each bot is displayed in in two ways.

Percentage Scores

Each entry breaks down the coarse-grain W/D/L stats for each bot, separated by colour (White/Black/Overall):

Game Statistics

Bot Name: [0] RandomBot (1319)
          Win     Draw    Loss    Overall Score
White     3       4       13      
Black     6       0       14      
Overall   9       4       27      
White     15.0%   20.0%   65.0%   = 25.00%
Black     30.0%   0.0%    70.0%   = 30.00%
Overall   22.5%   10.0%   67.5%   = 27.50%

Ratings update throughout the tournament, factoring in the opponent’s rating and the game outcome. A Head-to-Head (H2H) matrix shows how each bot performed against every other bot. Performance ratings (PRs) measure the level of strength the bots played relative to their Elo rating, with (+Δ) or (-Δ) showing over- or under-performance.

Head-to-Head Statistics

                          [1] FirstMover (1309)          [2] GreedyCat (1658)      
[0] RandomBot (1319)        3/2/5  [0] PR:1239 (-Δ)       2/0/8  [0] PR:1418 (+Δ) 
                            Δ:±80  [1] PR:1390 (+Δ)       Δ:±98  [2] PR:1560 (-Δ) 

For Developers

Adding your own bot

  1. Fork the repo and make a branch for your bot
  2. Make a new file in the bots/ folder
  3. Make sure it inherits from Bot in Have a look at other bots for clarification.
  4. Add your bot to Again have a look at existing implementation for details. You can also search for # BOT TODO
  5. Make sure the string you use in Controller and get_name() match
  6. Run poetry install. See Usage for more details and options.
  7. Commit and open a PR to the add-your-bot-here branch (select your fork as the source, and this repo as the destination)

Bot API notes



  • main contains stable code
  • add-your-bot-here is effectively the development branch, PR into this branch

I'll promote add-your-bot-here to main every once in a while (after testing)


  • Elo system for ranking bots
  • Tournament mode
  • Benchmark all available bots and add rankings to readme periodically


Poetry is used to manage dependencies and poethepoet is used to manage custom scripts.

Available development scripts are:

  • poetry run poe format - Formats the code
  • poetry run poe format_check - Checks if code is formatted
  • poetry run poe check - Perform a suite of static checks
  • poetry run poe fix - Apply formatting and static checks fixes
  • poetry run poe test - Runs the tests with coverage report

You can run the following command to automatically apply format and check before each commit and push:

  • poetry run pre-commit install - Installs pre-commit hooks


For VSCode users, the following extensions are recommended:

  • Ruff

Checkers Rules

Not an exhaustive list:

  • If you have the option of capturing a piece, you're forced to (the move_list will only contain captures if a capture is available)
  • Conditions for a draw are:
    • Repeating the exact position 3 times
    • 50 Moves without a capture or crowning

Stuff and things

Not an exhaustive list:

  • Default size set to an 8x8 board
  • Multiple jumps in one go is not currently supported, I'll do it sometime, but bot implementation shouldn't have to change at all to support it.
  • The colours of the pieces are "BLACK" and "WHITE" and white always goes first.
  • Each round consists of 2 games where the bots swap being black and white.
  • The output consists of a folder with two files: game_result_stats.txt and game_result_summary.txt as well as all the games as game_X.txt if --verbose was used.
    • game_result_stats.txt is the win/loss of each bot
    • game_result_summary.txt is the summary of each game



  • trentzz
  • donren-leung


Username Bots
trentzz RandomBot, FirstMover, CopyCat
donren-leung ScaredyCat, GreedyCat

Finally feel free to open an issue if I did something dumb (very likely).


No description, website, or topics provided.






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Contributors 3

