Easy to use circular progress bar - draws dynamic SVGs by Efraim Meulenberg
Requires jQuery
This progress bar allows you to draw a crystal clear svg-based circular progress bar using only a few lines of js.
The following variables can be given (all optional) when creating a new instance:
var b = new progressBar(
color: "#98BFE0", //string: color of the bar: "white", "#ffffff"
size: "400", //width and height of the bar in pixels (it's always square!)
strokewidth: 15, //int: thickness of the bar in pixels
progress: 0, //int: progress percentage it starts off with
animationSpeed: 2, //float: speed in seconds that the bar animates when the values change. Default: 0.35
id:"bleeh", //string: the ID you'd like to give the bar (if not specified, one will be generated)
container: $('#progressbarContainer') //Object that will hold the progress bar. The container can be a jQuery object, or a string used in a jQuery constructor.
Almost all values can be updated dynamically after creation, with the exception of setting the container, which can only be set in the constructor.
b.setSize(500); //width and height of the bar in pixels (it's always square!)
b.setColor('orange'); //string: color of the bar: "white", "#ffffff"
b.setStrokeWidth(5); //int: thickness of the bar in pixels
b.setProgress(80); //int: progress percentage to animate towards
b.setAnimationSpeed(0.35) //float: speed in seconds that the bar animates when the values change. Default: 0.35
Usage: first, create the progress bar as shown above, then use .setProgress(percentage); to animate it.