If you don’t have a Digital Ocean account yet, consider using this Referral Invite to get $200 free credit.
Follow these steps to create a Droplet (virtual server) where you’ll run this container:
- Sign up using the referral link to receive your free credits.
- Create a new Droplet in your Digital Ocean dashboard:
- Choose an Ubuntu image (version 20.04 or later recommended).
- Select your Droplet size (e.g., 1 CPU, 1GB RAM – or larger if needed).
- Choose a Data Center Region close to you.
- Add your SSH keys or use a root password (recommended to use SSH keys).
- Click Create Droplet and wait for the Droplet to be ready.
- Obtain the Droplet’s IP address from the Digital Ocean dashboard.
- Once your Droplet is running, SSH into your server:
- Then clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/toniall/DarkWebCourse.git
- Go into the cloned directory:
cd DarkWebCourse
- Build the Docker image (using the included dockerfile):
docker build -t darkweb -f dockerfile .
- Run the Docker container using one of the following commands:
- Option A: docker run
docker run -d \
--name darkweb \
-e VNC_PW=password \
-e VNC_USER=user \
-p 5901:6080 \
- Option B: docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
- Accessing the Container Open your browser and go to:
Note: The port 5901 can be changed to any other port if needed (e.g., -p 5902:6080, -p 5903:6080, etc.).
Note: Sometimes, you must reload the page to get all the content correctly.
When prompted for a username and password, use the same VNC_USER and VNC_PW you specified when running the container (e.g., user / password).
When prompted for a username and password, use the same VNC_USER and VNC_PW you specified when running the container (e.g., user / password).
To run multiple containers on the same server, use different ports (e.g., -p 5902:6080, -p 5903:6080, etc.). Note that multiple users can connect, but only one user can control the session at a time.
Check container logs:
docker logs darkweb
Stop the container:
docker stop darkweb
Remove the container:
docker rm darkweb