Simple JavaScript WYSIWYG HTML Editor with inlined toolbar only.
The editor does not style the content by using inline style attributes. Instead it uses classes only. This has multiple advantages:
- easily customize content by its classes
- using strong Content-Security-Policy blocking style-src
- limits user to keep corporate design
You may visit the page for demo.
Modern browser only.
1. Include JS/CSS
<link href="editor.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script src="editor.js" type="module"></script>
2. Register
<!-- using div -->
<div data-editor='{"id": "foo"}'></div>
<!-- using textarea -->
<textarea name="bar" data-editor></textarea>
<!-- with specific toolbar -->
<div data-editor='{"id": "baz", "toolbar": ["bold", "italic"]}'></div>
Thats all.
You may get the HTML code
Example using the editors:
<script type="module">
import editors from 'core/editors.js';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (e) => {
const fooEditorCode = editors.get('foo').code();
const barEditorCode = editors.get('bar').code();
Example using events:
<script type="module">
import events from 'core/events.js';
events.listen('editor.blur', (e, editor) => {
const code = editor.code();
You may create a custom editor:
1. Create custom-editor.js
import editors from './core/editors.js';
import translator from './core/translator.js';
import table from './plugin/table.js';
import styles from './plugin/styles.js';
import { basic, html, clear, links } from './plugin/basic.js';
// you may add translations:
// or translator.locale(document.querySelector('html').getAttribute('lang'));
translator.localeFallbacks({"de-CH": "en"});
translator.add('de-CH', {
"Start typing something...": "Start mit schreiben...",
"Table": "Tabelle",
"Add row below": "Zeile danach einfĂĽgen",
"Add row above": "Zeile davor einfĂĽgen",
"Delete row": "Zeile löschen",
"Add column left": "Spalte links einfĂĽgen",
"Add column right": "Spalte rechts einfĂĽgen",
"Delete column": "Spalte löschen",
"Delete table": "Tabelle löschen"
// you may add styles:
key: "style.fonts",
title: "Font styles",
options: {
"Default Font": "",
"Primary Font": "font-primary",
"Secondary Font": "font-secondary"
optionToClass: true
// add plugins:
editors.plugins([basic, html, clear, links, table, styles]);
// editors:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (e) => {
// init the editors:
// you may auto register editors with the data-editor attribute:
// or you may create it manually:
const editor = editors.create(document.querySelector('#editor'), {
// config (optional):
id: 'foo',
toolbar: ['p', 'bold', 'headings']
2. Replace default editor with custom editor
<link href="editor.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<!--<script src="editor.js" type="module"></script>-->
<script src="custom-editor.js" type="module"></script>
import editors from './core/editors.js';
import { basic, html, clear, links } from 'plugin/basic.js';
editors.plugins([basic, html, clear, links]);
The basic
plugin provides the following toolbars:
["p", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "bold", "italic", "underline", "strike", "ol", "ul", "quote", "pre", "code", "undo", "redo"]
KEY | HTML Element | Description |
p |
<p> |
- |
h1 |
<h1> |
- |
h2 |
<h2> |
- |
h3 |
<h3> |
- |
h4 |
<h4> |
- |
h5 |
<h5> |
- |
h6 |
<h6> |
- |
headings |
- | Opens a toolbar with h1-h6. |
bold |
<b> |
- |
italic |
<i> |
- |
underline |
<u> |
- |
strike |
<s> |
- |
ol |
<ol> |
- |
ul |
<ul> |
- |
quote |
<blockquote> |
- |
pre |
<pre> |
- |
code |
<code> |
- |
undo |
- | Undo last step |
redo |
- | Redo last step |
| |
- | Horizontal line separator |
|| |
- | Horizontal space separator |
_ |
- | Vertical line separator |
__ |
- | Vertical space separator |
back |
- | Back to last toolbar |
The html
plugin provides the following toolbars:
KEY | HTML Element | Description |
sourcecode |
- | To switch between source code and normal view. |
The clear
plugin provides the following toolbars:
KEY | HTML Element | Description |
clear |
- | To clear the editable area. |
The links
plugin provides the following toolbars:
KEY | HTML Element | Description |
link |
<a> |
To insert a link. |
Customize link classes
import events from './../events.js';
events.listen('toolbars.item', (item) => {
if (item.key === 'link.class') {
item.options = {
"none": "",
"default": "button",
"default fit": "button fit"
import editors from './core/editors.js';
import table from 'plugin/table.js';
The table
plugin provides the following toolbars:
KEY | HTML Element | Description |
tables |
<table> |
To add tables. |
The styles plugin adds/removes classe(s) to your selected text.
import editors from './core/editors.js';
import styles from 'plugin/styles.js';
// add your styles:
key: "style.fonts",
title: "Font styles",
options: {
"Default Font": "",
"Primary Font": "font-primary",
"Secondary Font": "font-secondary"
optionToClass: true
key: "style.text.colors",
title: "Text Colors",
options: {
"Default Text Color": "",
"Text Color Success": "text-success"
optionToClass: true
// add plugin:
The style key
will be your toolbar key:
["style.fonts", "style.text.colors"]
Check out the plugin/table.js
or plugin/basic.js
file to see how a plugin is created.
You may use the available events for plugin creation e.g.
Editors Events
Event | Callback Parameters | Description |
editors.init |
(editors) |
Triggered when the editors.init() function has been called. |
editors.registered |
(editors) |
Triggered after the editors.register() function has been called. |
import events from 'core/events.js';
events.listen('editors.init', (editors) => {
Editor Events
Event | Callback Parameters | Description |
editor.blur |
(event, editor) |
Triggered by the blur event of the editor element (editable area). | |
(event, editor) |
Triggered by the click event of the editor element (editable area). |
editor.created |
(editor) |
Triggered when the editor has been created. |
editor.focus |
(event, editor) |
Triggered when the editor is focused. |
editor.mousedown |
(event, editor) |
Triggered by the mousedown event of the editor element (editable area). |
editor.mouseup |
(event, editor) |
Triggered by the mouesup event of the editor element (editable area). |
editor.keydown |
(event, editor) |
Triggered by the keydown event of the editor element (editable area). |
editor.keypress |
(event, editor) |
Triggered by the keypress event of the editor element (editable area). |
editor.keyup |
(event, editor) |
Triggered by the keyup event of the editor element (editable area). |
import events from 'core/events.js';
events.listen('editor.blur', (event, editor) => {
Toolbars Events
Event | Callback Parameters | Description |
toolbars.item |
(item) |
Triggered when a toolbars item is added. |
import events from 'core/events.js';
events.listen('toolbars.item', (item) => {
if (item.key === 'link.class') {
item.options = {
"none": "",
"default": "button",
"default fit": "button fit"
Toolbar Events
Event | Callback Parameters | Description |
---|---|---| |
(data) |
Triggered when a toolbar is being build. |
toolbar.opened |
(toolbar) |
Triggered after toolbar is opened. |
toolbar.closed |
(toolbar) |
Triggered after toolbar is closed. |
import events from 'core/events.js';
events.listen('', (data) => {
// customize link toolbar
if ( === 'link') {
data.items = [
'back', 'link.visit', 'link.delete', 'link.insert', '_',
'link.input', '_',
'link.window', 'link.windowLabel', '_',
Event | Callback Parameters | Description |
blur |
(event, editor) |
Triggered by the blur event of the editor element (editable area). |
click |
(event, editor) |
Triggered by the click event of the editor element (editable area). |
created |
(editor) |
Triggered when the editor has been created. |
focus |
(event, editor) |
Triggered when the editor is focused. |
mousedown |
(event, editor) |
Triggered by the mousedown event of the editor element (editable area). |
mouseup |
(event, editor) |
Triggered by the mouesup event of the editor element (editable area). |
keydown |
(event, editor) |
Triggered by the keydown event of the editor element (editable area). |
keypress |
(event, editor) |
Triggered by the keypress event of the editor element (editable area). |
keyup |
(event, editor) |
Triggered by the keyup event of the editor element (editable area). |
import editors from './core/editors.js';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (e) => {
// create
editors.create(document.querySelector('#editor'), {
events: {
click: (event, editor) => {
import editors from './core/editors.js';
// init the editors:
// you may auto register editors with the data-editor attribute:
Creating a new editor.
const editor = editors.create(document.querySelector('#editor'));
// with config:
const editor = editors.create(document.querySelector('#editor'), {
id: 'foo',
toolbar: ['p', 'bold', 'headings'],
events: {
click: (event, editor) => {
has / get / all
if (editors.has('ID')) {
const editor = editors.get('ID');
const allEditors = editors.all();
plugin / plugins
name: 'foo',
init: () => {
events: {
editors.plugins([{name: 'foo'}, {name: 'bar'}]);
import editors from './core/editors.js';
const editor = editors.create(document.querySelector('#editor'));
Get the HTML code.
const htmlCode = editor.code();
Get config value with dot notation.
const value = editor.config('', 'default');
const id =;
const el = editor.el; // editable area
const selection = editor.selection;
const toolbar = editor.toolbar;
const events =;
check out the Selection API for more information.toolbar
check out the Toolbar API for more
check out the Events API for more information.
import events from './core/events.js';
listen / fire
// with array params:
events.listen('click', (foo, bar) => {});'click', ['foo', 'bar']);
// or with object params:
events.listen('click', (obj) => {});'click', {});
const listeners = {
"eventName": () => {
import editors from './core/editors.js';
const editor = editors.create(document.querySelector('#editor'));
const selection = editor.selection;
Get the selected data:
const sel = selection.get();
const text = sel.text;
const element = sel.element;
const tagName = sel.tagName;
Get the selected tag names:
const tagnames = selection.getTagnames();
// Saves the current selection with unwrapping a HTML <span> marker.;
// Saves the current selection without unwrapping a HTML <span> marker.;
// Set saved selection by element.
selection.setSaved(element, '');
// Get the saved selection.
const sel = selection.getSaved();
// Clears the selection. Removes the marker if any.
// Replaces the selection marker with the node.
// Replaces the sel with the node.
selection.insertReplace(sel, node);
// Inserts the node after the sel.
selection.insertAfter(sel, node);
import toolbars from './core/toolbars.js';
Add an item to be later used to build a toolbar.
Example Button:
// required:
key: "Foo", // a unique key
text: "Foo",
command: ["formatblock", "<h2>"],
undo: ["formatblock", "<p>"], // or null
tagname: "h2", // used for setting button active
Example Input:
// required:
key: "email", // a unique key
// optional:
element: "input", // HTML element, default "button"
type: "email",
id: "foo",
for: "id",
name: "foo",
title: "Type your email",
placeholder: "Type...",
classes: ["foo", "bar"],
// options: {"name": "value"}, // for selection element.
attributes: {"name": "value"}, // any additonal HTML element attributes
build_default: false, // if to build on default
click: (event, item, toolbar, editor) => {
// do something on click
keyup: (event, item, toolbar, editor) => {
// do something on keyup
const toolbar = toolbars.create({id: 'ID'});
if (toolbars.has('ID')) {
const toolbar = toolbars.get('ID');
// opens the toolbar if exists:'ID');
// closes all toolbars:
// closes all toolbars except those specified:
import toolbars from './core/toolbars.js';
Build toolbar with the specified items.
const toolbar = toolbars.create({id: 'ID'});[
'back', 'table.delete', '_',
'table.row.below', 'table.row.above', 'table.row.delete', '_',
'table.col.left', 'table.col.right', 'table.col.delete'
open / close
const toolbar = toolbars.get({id: 'ID'});;
const toolbar = toolbars.get({id: 'ID'});
if (toolbar.has('key')) {
const item = toolbar.get('key');
toolbar.disable('key', false); // without hiding
toolbar.disableExcept(['key'], false); // without hiding
toolbar.setActive(['a', 'p'], 'tagname'); // based on item tagname
toolbar.setActive(['key', 'key', false]); // without setting others inactive
toolbar.setActiveItem('key'); // set only active.
toolbar.positioning(); // position to selection;
toolbar.positioning(event); // position to event.pageX and event.pageY
toolbar.positioning(null, 100, 200); // position to x: 100, y: 200
toolbar.positioning(null, null, null, true); // position to last position
import translator from './core/translator.js';
translator.locale('de-CH'); // current locale
translator.localeFallbacks({"de-CH": "en"});
// add translation for the specified locale.
translator.add('de-CH', {
"Table": "Tabelle"
const translated = translator.trans('Table');