The mesh-process project is a library and 3D mesh processing toolchain for manipulating STL files. The library is a set of Typescript functional classes.
yarn build
$ node meshtool
meshtool <command>
meshtool about Print information about MeshTool
meshtool center [location] [infile] Center the specified STL file
meshtool concat [infile1] [infile2] Add two meshes into one file
meshtool crop [location] [minx] [miny] Crop the specified STL file
[minz] [maxx] [maxy] [maxz] [infile]
meshtool drop-to [location] [infile] Drop the specified STL file to zero
[outfile] on the specified axes.
meshtool filter-vertex-replace [xOrig] Change the location of the vertex in
[yOrig] [zOrig] [xNew] [yNew] [zNew] the specified STL file
[infile] [outfile]
meshtool mirror [location] [infile] Mirror the specified STL file on the
[outfile] specified axis
meshtool normals [operation] [infile] Modify the normals of the specified
[outfile] STL file
meshtool replicate [xCount] [xSpacing] Replicate the specified STL file in
[ySpacing] [totalCount] [infile] a grid
meshtool rotate [x] [y] [z] [infile] Rotate the specified STL file by the
[outfile] specified degrees in X, Y, and Z
meshtool scale-to-size [axis] [size] Scale the specified STL file to
[infile] [outfile] [size] along the [axis]
meshtool scale [x] [y] [z] [infile] Scale the specified STL file
meshtool stats [file] Print info about the specified STL
meshtool translate-above [xThreshold] Translate the vertices in the
[yThreshold] [zThreshold] [x] [y] [z] specified STL file above xThreshhold
[infile] [outfile]
meshtool translate [x] [y] [z] [infile] Translate the specified STL file
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
Get statistics for the sample Cube.stl:
node meshtool stats ../Samples/Cube.stl
Translate Cube.stl by x+=10, y+=10, z+=10 and save in xCube101010.stl
node meshtool translate 10 10 10 ../Samples/Cube.stl ../Samples/xCube101010.stl