- Currently supported tennis federations:
- Badischer Tennis Verband (BAD)
- Hessischer Tennis Verband (HTV)
- Rheinland-Pfälzischer Tennis Verband (RPTV)
- Sächsischer Tennis Verband (STV)
- Tennisverband Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (TMV)
- Tennisverband Sachsen-Anhalt (TSA)
- Thüringer Tennis-Verband (TTV)
- Tennis-Verband Niederrhein (TVN)
- Württembergischer Tennis Bund (WTB)
- Helps you finding the tournaments around you
- Short link to the official Tournament at mybigpoint in order to sign up for the tournament
- Link to address on Google Maps.
- PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) support. You can install the app on your phone.
- Support for more tennis federations:
- Store favorite tournaments (locally)
This is a known issue. The location of the tournament is not always correct. This is due to the fact that OSM is not always capable of performing the geocoding right. There are two potential outcomes:
- Tournament location falls back to the default address of the corresponding tennis federation. There will then be a list of tournaments associated to the default address.
- Tournament location is showing a completely different location. In this case please click on the link next to "Adresse". This will then lead you to the address on Google Maps and this location is mostly correct.