imactivate and @TheDataCity and Open Innovations
- Leeds, UK
- http://www.tomforth.co.uk
- @thomasforth
Fully managed Apache Parquet implementation
Simple vanilla JavaScript rewrite of the textstat.py library.
Collaboration space for discussing and exploring technical and data standards
Animating scheduled transit trips using the Transitland API and Processing
Draft charter for "PDF and Open Data" community group
A simplified way of showing the UK city of Leeds' wards in HTML.
Javascript constraint-based graph layout
A barebones example of using CSS3 @font-face with embedded fonts in Windows Phone 8
Create and modify games using simple concepts.
An implementation of fixmystreet.com for reporting issues to local councils in the UK
A location-aware WRTkit app to display information about UK MPs.
Moodstocks Notes application for Nokia Smartphones