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Forward the individual

Forward the Individual

Thesis is a venture studio building freedom tech.

Humanity is held back, front run, censored, and surveilled by governments, ISPs, data brokers, and big tech. We need to hit reset on today's power structures.

If that sounds like you, reach out.

Our Work

We're the builders behind

  • tBTC, a censorship-resistant Bitcoin bridge
  • Mezo, the next economic layer for Bitcoin
  • Fold, the best way to orange-pill your friends
  • Taho, the user-owned and operated Web3 wallet
  • Keep ( now Threshold) , the threshold cryptography network powering tBTC
  • Saddle, a pegged-asset automated market maker
  • Embody, a privacy and cycle-forward menstrual health app
  • Etcher, beautiful tools for the creator economy

Pinned Loading

  1. solidity-contracts Public

    JavaScript 2 1

  2. docker-bitcoind Public

    Forked from dysnix/docker-bitcoind

    💰 Bitcoind Docker image that runs the Bitcoin node in a container for easy deployment


  3. vim-solidity Public

    Syntax highlighting for Solidity in Vim

    Vim Script 50 7

  4. zcash-proposal Public archive

    Our proposal to support Zcash as a major dev fee recipient


  5. shale Public

    A Clojure-backed replacement for Selenium hubs.

    Clojure 14 2


Showing 10 of 86 repositories