Welcome to JMETriggerAnalysis framework!
This framework is used for HLT studies and more specificaly it has three main functionalities:
- Production of JME Trigger NTuples. These NTuples are containing information per event about trigger bits (e.g. if the event is accepted by a given path)and the Jets and MET objects (hlt and offline).
- Analysis of the NTuples produced by the framework. This means creating plots of performances of objects like responses of jets w.r.t. offline/generated and trigger efficiencies.
- Production of NTuples used in Jet Energy Corrections (JECs).
- Production of NTuples used in PF hadron calibrations (PFHCs).
For each of the above there is a corresponding directory:
- NTuplizers
- NTupleAnalysis
- JESCorrections
- PFHadronCalibration
For the last two there is available documentation in the subdirectories. (Note: need instructions for PFHC - to be added)
Note: for instructions on HLT PF-Hadron calibrations and Jet Energy Scale Corrections,
please ignore this readme
, and follow the instructions in the dedicated readme
To setup the framework you need CMSSW and as such a working LXPLUS account. Currently the recommended LXPLUS version is LXPLUS8, so login as follows:
ssh -Y <user_name>@lxplus8.cern.ch
then in any directory setup the framework:
cmsrel CMSSW_15_0_0_pre3
cd CMSSW_15_0_0_pre3/src
git cms-init
## --- You can find bellow useful additions to standard CMSSW for relevant studies ---
## Only use those in case you want to perform such a study.
# Optional: Use this merge-topic in case you want to study removal of low pT jets in MHT
git cms-merge-topic theochatzis:testMHTforFwd
# Optional: Used for PUPPI studies
git cms-merge-topic theochatzis:puppiRun3Customizer_15_0_X
# Needed: Merge updates from tracking for 2025 - CA automation for patatrack params + mkFit for track building
git cms-merge-topic elusian:1500p3_newCAtuning
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
git clone [email protected]:theochatzis/JMETriggerAnalysis.git -b run3_14_0_X
# Build
scram b -j 12
Make sure the menu is updated (see bellow section : Getting the HLT Menu configuration). Do:
cd ${CMSSW_BASE}/src/JMETriggerAnalysis/Common/test
Test command:
cd ${CMSSW_BASE}/src/JMETriggerAnalysis/NTuplizers/test
cmsRun jmeTriggerNTuple_cfg.py maxEvents=10 output=out_HLT_Run3TRK.root
<<<<<<< HEAD Here the main structure of the logic in the framework and the production of NTuples scripts is decribed. To begin with, there are 2 ways that we access the information for HLT objects.
- Re-run HLT configuration: This way is the slowest since we need to run the whole reconstruction from
datasets (for data orGEN-SIM-RAW
in MC). In this way the full HLT info gets available. This is essential if you want to test something that is not available in the deployed HLT reconstruction. It is also the way studies that need full information like JECs and PFHCs need to get the info since there is no full information in later tiers. Only available info later is the trigger object for triggers that fired in the event, and the trigger decisions. - Run over already reconstructed objects samples: This method refers to running on miniAOD. It is much faster and can be used mainly for data already collected to evaluated the trigger performances. Also it is best for studies that do not need every piece of HLT information because usually the
samples are stored only on Tape after a while and need a tape re-call to access them.
Bellow there are subsections on the 2 ways. For both ways to run on batch jobs submissions one can find general instructions here.
For analyzing the events there are scipts in the NTupleAnalysis
directory of the framework. A dedicated subsection exists also on this part bellow.
In case you want to re-run HLT there are 2 basic ingredients. First one needs to specify a given HLT configuration. This is created by the hltGetConfiguration
command. The corresponding commands are provided by STORM group and you can find them here. See bellow "Getting the HLT Menu configuration details".
These commands are stored in the Common/test
directory, since these are common for all functionalities of the framework.
Then in a configuration in NTuplizers/test
this created configuration file to re-run HLT is used to load the process. Then the NTuplizers/plugins/JMETriggerNTuple
is used to run over the produced events and get the information in a TTree.
The configuration files running this analyzer are denoted as jmeTriggerNTuple_XXX.py
For example:
cmsRun jmeTriggerNTuple_cfg.py maxEvents=10 output=out_HLT_Run3TRK.root
One thing that is important is that one can also customize the HLT menu that runs on the events. That is done by using "customizer scripts" i.e. python scripts of the form:
def customizationFunction(process):
# do customizations here
return process
these scripts again are usually stored in Common/python
directory. They can be added directly in the jmeTriggerNTuple
script or used directly in hltGetConfiguration
command with option --customize
For running on samples MINIAOD
format one can use the script jmeTriggerNTuple2023Data_miniAOD_cfg.py
. The script can be tested as follows:
cmsRun jmeTriggerNTuple2023Data_miniAOD_cfg.py maxEvents=10 output=out_HLT_Run3TRK.root
This script by default applies some selection criteria on using a muon skim i.e. requiring HLT_IsoMu27
and some offline selection quality criteria. Thus it is recommended to run on a Muon dataset as is. The skim cut a lot the size of the output file.
But can be modified for more general purposes and also include JetMET dataset.
Some basic options that one has to take into account when running on different data periods:
: here one defines what input tagprocess.GlobalTag.globaltag
: In case the JECs are reapplied offline, this defines the name of the.db
file that is used. The name should be given without the.db
in the end, which is assumed by the script. The sqlite files can be found in the official JERC repository. One can see how these corrections behave with this tool.
Recommended batch submission: With this batch submissions for different eras can be run using a python script that makes different CRAB jobs:
cd NTuplizers/crab/
python3 createCrabConfigFilesMiniAOD.py
it will create a script that will submit the jobs and the different crab configs with the specified globalTag, offline JECs files, luminosity JSON.
The directory for Analysis of the output NTuples is the NTupleAnalysis
. You can see a structure with different plugins that are used for analysis, and python scripts that utilize those or provide tools in the test
A description of the basic tools and how to use them can be found here.
Following the STORM twiki for menu development you can find the hltGetConfiguration
command arguments needed to produce your HLT menu.
An example of such a command is:
hltGetConfiguration /dev/CMSSW_14_0_0/GRun \
--globaltag auto:phase1_2024_realistic \
--mc \
--unprescale \
--output minimal \
--max-events 10 \
--input /store/mc/Run3Winter24Digi/TT_TuneCP5_13p6TeV_powheg-pythia8/GEN-SIM-RAW/133X_mcRun3_2024_realistic_v8-v2/80000/dc984f7f-2e54-48c4-8950-5daa848b6db9.root \
--eras Run3_2024 --l1-emulator uGT --l1 L1Menu_Collisions2024_v1_3_0_xml \
--path MC_*,HLTriggerF*,Status*,HLT_PFJet60_v*,HLT_PFJet140_v*,HLT_PFJet320_v*,HLT_PFJet500_v*,HLT_PFHT780_v*,HLT_PFHT890_v*,HLT_PFHT1050_v*,HLT_PFMET*_PFMHT*_IDTight_v* \
> tmp.py
# dump configuration
edmConfigDump tmp.py > "${CMSSW_BASE}"/src/JMETriggerAnalysis/Common/python/configs/HLT_dev_CMSSW_14_0_0_GRun_configDump.py
This command generates automatically a process HLTX
that runs the trigger menu.
Options explanation:
- globalTag : declares which is the global tag your HLTX process will run. Using auto is preferable cause it will update it from
in CMSSW release. - mc : this shows if you run on MC or data to get the appropriate menu e.g. one containing the MC paths. These paths are useful as they just generate the objects with no cut in events selection.
- unprescale : ignore the prescale table - when we re-run HLT we don't want to lose more events for the studies from PS!
- output : shows the event content of the
file thecmsRun
would produce. We do not need this output. - max-events : maximum number of events running
- input : name of input ROOT file.
- eras : determines the era for geometry etc.
- --l1-emulator : needed only if you want to re-emulate L1. You can ignore this if you do not care about L1.
- --l1 : xml file containing the menu from L1T to re-run.
- --path : option is not mandatory, but can help to process the events faster as it only creates a sub-menu with the paths listed. You always need the
as these techincal paths are essential for a trigger menu to run.
We store the menus in Common/python/configs
directory and use shell scripts to produce them in Common/test
. For example you can do:
and get the menu produced.