This is the source for CSVfix and the supporting alib library. Building requires a GCC installation. To build, enter the command "make win" for a Windows build, "make lin" for a Linux/Unix build, or "make mac" for a Mac build.
For further information, please see the CSVfix website at
Neil Butterworth 13-Apr-2014
The wonderful CSVfix tool was written by Neil Butterworth, but unfortunately is seems to be orphaned. There is an archived repository on Google Code (version 1.5). Its readme points to a version 1.6 on Bitbucket, but that link is dead. Neil does not seem to be on Github.
I've seen a number of projects on Github that autoimported the code from the Google Code repo, but none of them compiles correctly on Linux or Mac. Finally I found a copy of the mentioned 1.6 on Sourceforce that was brought there by Pedro Albanese. That one works!
I tried to install CSVfix using Homebrew on the Mac but that fails as well, as it tries to use the dead Bitbucket repo.
So the idea of this repository here is:
- provide a working copy of 1.6 on Github (done, more or less a copy of Pedros repo)
- provide a release using Github Actions (done)
- point Homebrew to the new location (-not accepted by Homebrew-)
The docs are available in the docs
subdirectory, that is being hosted as Github project pages at
Michael Wolber