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nabinked edited this page Sep 17, 2013 · 1 revision

The general order involved in a sales process is as such;
[Sales Quotation] (Sales Quotation) --> [Sales Order] (Sales Order) --> [Delivery for Sales Order](Delivery for Sales Order) --> [Invoice for Sales Order] (Invoice for Sales Order) and then [Receipt from Customers] (Receipt from Customers)

Direct Sales however skips the above mentioned process and all of them are carried out at once.

Direct Sales

Enter the date of the transaction then select the store/warehouse from where the goods will be dispatched, the type of sales (Cash or Credit Sale), the customer to whom the goods are being sold and the price type (Retail or Wholesale). Click on OK and proceed.

Direct Sales Model

Now, Enter the product ID or Choose the product that needs to be sold, Quantity and respective unit. The prices will be automatically pulled from [Products & Items] . Next, Enter the discount amount (if any). If you enter any amount in the discount field, the software will then ask you to update the tax, if click on OK , the tax will be updated and if you click on cancel the total amount will be updated and tax amount will remain the same.

Tax Update

Add all the required items and fill up the rest of the fields.

Note that, Cash Repository and Cash Repository Balance are options available only while making a cash sales, not while making a credit sales.

Once you click on save, a new page will come up notifying you about the successful posting of the transaction. Here you will be given various options related to the transaction that was carried out just now.
Transaction Successful

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