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An interpreter with static and dynamic types like in Typescript.

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Getting Started

cowlang is a programming language that is inspired by Typescript and Dart.
Getting best of both languages in one place.

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The interpreter can be installed using following command

npm install -g @cowlang/engine

Above command may not work if package is not available on npm. In that case, for time being, follow the steps Dev Setup to try it out

Dev Setup

  1. Clone the project and cd in the project root
  2. Building
  3. Installing interpretor globally
    npm install . -g
  4. Now you can run cowlang code files that end with .cow extenstion

Running Code

Code files in cowlang have .cow extension. In order to run your cow file, run:

cowlang milk-production.cow

Above command will run file named milk-production.cow


Cowlang has built-in support to run code directly in the terminal. Just like Node REPL there's a cowlang REPL.
To enter in REPL, run:


Running above command print something like below:

cowlang REPL vx.y.x

Now you can write your code directly inside terminal, and it gets executed everytime you press enter.



cowlang supports two kinds of variables, one which can be reassigned and other which are constant and cannot be reassigned.

  • Variables, that can be reassigned

    var someVar = 10
    someVar = 20

    Variables, can also be declared but initialized later, an uninitialized variable must've have expilicit dynamic type

    var name: dynamic; # Note the semicolon, it is mandatory here
    name = "John Doe"
  • Constants, that cannot be reassigned

    const numDaysInWeek = 7
    numDaysInWeek = 8

Variable Types

Type can be declared after a colon following the identifier.

var name: string = "John Doe"
var age: number = 20

Types are infered in cowlang, if no type is given interpreter gets it from the value assigned

var name = "John Doe"
name = 20 # it will throw error, because name is string

To create dynamic variable, that can have any value of any type use dynamic type

var store: dynamic = "some value"
store = 20
store = false
store = [1.2, 3.5]

Strings and Interpolation

Strings are declared using double quotes

var name = "John Doe"

To evaluate a variable inside the string prefix variable with $

const message = "My name is $name"

To insert expressions in strings ${} syntax is used

const result = "2 + 2 = ${2 + 2}"


Anything that starts with # is considered as comment and ignored

# This is a comment
print("Hello") # Prints Hello

Printing to console

print is built-in function that is used to log the output

print("Hello World!")

print(5 + 9)

const PI = 1.1314

print("PI is $PI")


var age = 20

if (age < 18) {
} else if (age == 18) {
  print("You can get your ID")
} else {


var start = 1

const end = 10
const tableof = 8

while (start <= end) {
  print("$tableof * $start = ${tableof * start}")
  start = start + 1


var subjects = ["Physics", "Maths", "Computer", "Literature"]

length is built-in function to get the length of an array

print("Number of subjects are ${length(subjects)}")


Functions are declared using fn keyword

fn add(a,b){
    a + b

Note: Functions in cowlang automatically return last evaluated result

Functions can return functions, that are executed by appending another pair of parens

fn padder(padding){
    fn add(a,b){
        padding + a + b

const result = padder(10)(5,20)

Parameter Types

Parameter types can be given same as in variables

fn add(a: number, b: number){
 a + b

add(1,2) # prints 3
add(1, true) # throws error, becuase 'true' is not a number


Operator Description
> Greater Than
>= Greater Than Or Equals
< Less Than
<= Less Than Or Equals
== Equals
!= Not Equals
= Assignment
&& And
|| Or
and And
or Or


Keyword Description
var Declares a variable
const Declares a constant
while Loop
if Conditional
else Conditional
fn Declares a function
and Logical 'and'
or Logical 'or'

Built-in Types

Type Description
dynamic A dynamic variable can have any type
string String type
number Integer and floats
array Array
object Object

In Progress

  • Param and return types


Features that we're going to add in future

  • Enums
  • Interfaces
  • Classes
  • Tuples

Architecture level things we're considering

  • Compiling to Byte Code
  • Adding Multi-threading


An interpreter with static and dynamic types like in Typescript.







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