Canopy helps you write better, more testable CloudKit apps.
Canopy is distributed as a Swift Package Manager package.
If you use Xcode UI to manage your dependencies, add
as the dependency for your project.
If you use SPM Package.swift
, add this:
dependencies: [
url: "",
from: "0.5.0"
To fetch a record from CloudKit private database which has the record ID exampleID
, use this Canopy call:
let result = await Canopy().databaseAPI(usingDatabaseScope: .private).fetchRecords(with: [CKRecord.ID(recordName: "exampleID")])
switch result {
case .success(let fetchRecordsResult):
// handle fetchRecordsResult. Examine its foundRecords and notFoundRecordIDs properties.
case .failure(let ckRecordError):
// handle error
Canopy provides all its API as async Result
. Many people prefer to instead use throwing API. It’s easy to convert Canopy API calls to throwing style at the call site with the get()
API. For the above example, follow this approach:
do {
let result = try await Canopy().databaseAPI(usingDatabaseScope: .private).fetchRecords(…).get()
// use result
} catch {
// handle thrown error
Canopy is designed for enabling your code to be testable. You do your part by using dependency injection pattern in most of your code and features. Most of your code should not instantiate Canopy directly, but should receive it from outside. For example:
actor MyService {
private let canopy: CanopyType
init(canopy: CanopyType) {
self.canopy = canopy
func someFeature() async {
let databaseAPI = await canopy.getDatabaseAPI(usingDatabaseScope: .private)
// call databaseAPI functions to
// retrieve and modify records, zones, subscriptions …
In live use of your app, you initiate and inject the live Canopy object that talks to CloudKit. When independently testing your features, you instead inject a mock Canopy object that doesn’t talk to any cloud services, but instead plays back mock responses.
Read more: Testable CloudKit apps with Canopy
Canopy implements cloudKit
dependency key for swift-dependencies. If you use swift-dependencies
, you use Canopy like this:
struct MyFeature {
@Dependency(\.cloudKit) private var canopy
func myFeature() async {
let recordsResult = await canopy.databaseAPI(usingDatabaseScope: .private).fetchRecords(…)
See swift-dependencies documentation for more info about how to use dependencies, and inject desired values for the Canopy dependency for your previews and tests.
The Canopy package has three parts.
Libraries provide the main Canopy functionality and value. Canopy
is the main library, and CanopyTestTools
helps you build tests.
The Canopy documentation site at has documentation for the libraries, as well as information about the library motivation and some ideas and best practices about using CloudKit. The documentation is generated by DocC from this repository, and can also be used inline in Xcode.
Some highlights from documentation:
Testable CloudKit apps with Canopy
iCloud Advanced Data Protection
The Thoughts example app showcases using Canopy in a real app, and demonstrates some best practices for modern multi-platform, multi-window app development.
Canopy was built, and continues to be built, as part of Tact app.
Major contributors: Jaanus Kase, Andrew Tetlaw, Henry Cooper
Thanks to: Priidu Zilmer, Roger Sheen, Margus Holland