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Weather App

This is a Weather App built using React and the OpenWeatherMap API (which freely offers to students their Developer API plan).

It is based off of this design by Anton Mikhaltsov.

The app is live (hosted by Vercel) here.


Clone the repository, and add a file named .env.local in the root of the project. Add an OpenWeatherMap API key inside as an environment variable like so:


Inside the directory, run

> npm install
> npm start

and head to http://localhost:3000. You're all set!


This part offers more detail about the features of the application.


The app geolocates the device upon user agreement and uses it to directly display local weather information. This is done using Javascript's own navigator.geolocation API.

If the user blocks geolocation, the app defaults to Paris.

Weather API(s)

The app uses several OpenWeatherMap APIs:

  • Current Weather Data to fetch data on the current weather situation: temperature, pressure, sunrise and sunset times, humidity, …
  • One Call API to fetch data about the next 24 hours and the next 7 days
  • Air Pollution API to fetch data about the current air quality.

Search input

The app offers a search input to search any city. If the city cannot be found, the app simply displays a small error notification.


The src directory contains the index.js file, which is the entry point for the app. This file calls the App component, which contains the logic for the geolocation and fetching the current weather data. The component architecture is then as follows:

└── components
    ├── Content                   Right side of the app
    │   ├── DetailList              Daily/hourly forecast
    │   │   └── Detail
    │   │       ├── Day               Single day card
    │   │       └── Hour              Single hour card
    │   └── Highlights              "Highlights" section
    │       └── BaseHighlight
    │           ├── BaseHighlight     Base highlight card
    │           └── SunHighlight       Specific sunrise/set card
    └── Sidebar                   Left side of the app
        └── SearchInput             City search input

The other directories are assets, which contain the sunrise, sunset and "compass" icons (used for displaying wind direction) and utils, which contains utilitary functions and the Notification component used to display the "City not found" error.


The CSS part is done using Tailwind CSS to speed up development. The app uses Flexbox and CSS Grids to easily allow a completely responsive experience.

The fonts used are Poppins and Inter, served by Google Fonts.


A Weather App built using React and the OpenWeatherMap API.






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