mise install
If you run on Linux or Mac, follow these steps:
# start a single app instance
make j-start
# start multiple instances
make j-all
To run a bunch of apps, use this script. This script:
- builds the app (mvn command)
- launches apps
- if you type
, it will kill all apps and terminate
If you run on Windows, follow these steps:
To run the project: mvn compile exec:java
To create a fat jar:
mvn compile package
java -jar shade\hellofx.jar
brew install flipt-io/brew/flipt
flipt validate features.yml
# Run Flipt locally
make flipt-start
Start Flagsmith
# Run Flagsmith locally make fs-start
Create an account
Create an organisation and a project
Get the API key for the project and save it in
Start the JavaFX applications
Start Unleashed
make ul-start
In your browser, go to http://localhost:4242 and log in using the following credentials:
- username:
- password:
- username: