class Intro a where
introduce :: a -> String
data Student = Student { name :: String, age :: Int, major :: String }
instance Intro Student where
introduce a = "I'm " ++ name a ++ " and I'm " ++ show (age a) ++ " years old, and I am majoring in " ++ major a
me = Student "Suneet" 24 "Computer Vision"
main = do print $ introduce me
I'm Suneet and I'm 24 years old, and I am majoring in Computer Vision
- 🔭 I’m currently working on any random thing that comes to mind.
- 👨💻 I'm interested in
- Functional programming
- Rust
- Haskell
- Javascript/Typescript
- 🌱 I’m currently learning
- Diffusion Models
- Transformers
You can reach me via:
- Discord
- Email: [email protected]