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Danyspin97 italian translations (#558)
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* Improve italian translations: add translation for types, various sets, Intrigue Second Edition and Adventures cards.
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sumpfork authored Feb 24, 2025
1 parent efb4943 commit 2c9d7b5
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Showing 6 changed files with 185 additions and 33 deletions.
158 changes: 155 additions & 3 deletions card_db_src/it/cards_it.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions card_db_src/it/sets_it.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"adventures": {
"set_name": "Adventures",
"set_text": "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. You're not sure which, but at least you've narrowed it down. You are rich with life experiences, but have had trouble trading them for goods and services. It's time to seek your fortune, or anyone's really, whoever's is closest. To the west there's a land of milk and honey, full of giant bees and monstrous cows. To the east, a land of eggs and licorice. To the north, treacherous swamps; to the south, loyal jungles. But all of them have been thoroughly pillaged. You've heard legends though of a fifth direction, as yet unspoiled, with its treasures conveniently gathered into troves. You have your sword and your trail mix, handed down from your father, and his father before him. You've recruited some recruits and hired some hirelings; you've shined your armor and distressed a damsel. You put up a sign saying \"Gone Adventuring.\" Then you put up another sign, saying \"Beware of Dog,\" in case people get any ideas. You're ready. You saddle up your trusty steed, and head florst.\nThis is the 9th addition to the game of <i>Dominion</i>. It has 400 cards, 6 mats, and 60 tokens. There are 30 new Kingdom cards, including the return of Duration cards that do things on future turns, plus Reserve cards that can be saved for the right moment. There are also 20 Event cards that give you something to buy besides cards, including tokens that modify cards.",
"set_name": "Avventure",
"set_text": "La vita o è un'audace avventura oppure non è nulla. Anche se non hai ancora capito a fondo questo detto, cominci a vederci più chiaro. Hai fatto incetta di esperienze di vita ma non sei riuscito a trasformarle in ricompense più tangibili... È tempo di andare incontro alla propria fortuna... O a quella di qualcun altro... Dipende da quale delle due è più semplice da ottenere. A ovest ti attende una terra di latte e miele, piena di vespe giganti e bovini mostruosi. A est, una terra di uova e liquirizia. A nord, pericolose paludi; a sud, giungle rigogliose. Purtroppo, tutte queste terre sono state completamente saccheggiate. Alcune leggende narrano di una quinta direzione, ancora incontaminata, con i propri tesori raccolti in comodi forzieri. Hai la tua spada e le tue mappe, che ti sono state lasciate in eredità da tuo padre, e a questi da suo padre prima di lui. Hai reclutato dei soldati e ingaggiato dei mercenari; hai lucidato l'armatura e importunato le damigelle per l'utima volta. Poi, hai appeso un cartello alla tua porta con scritto: \"Sono partito alla ricerca di avventure\". Dopo qualche minuto, sei tornato indietro e hai affisso un altro cartello: \"Attenti al cane\", nel caso qualcuno si facesse strane idee... Sei pronto. Hai sellato il tuo fedele ronzino e sei partito.",
"text_icon": "Ad"
"adventures extras": {
Expand All @@ -21,19 +21,19 @@
"base": {
"set_name": "Base",
"set_text": "This is all the basic Victory, Treasure, and Curse cards from the <i>Dominion</i> games and its expansions. It does not include any Victory or Treasure cards that are Kingdom cards.",
"set_text": "Queste sono tutte le carte Vittoria, Tesoro e Maledizione del gioco <i>Dominion</i> e le sue espansioni. Le carte Vittoria e le Carte Tesoro che sono carte del Regno non sono incluse.",
"text_icon": "B"
"cornucopia": {
"set_name": "Cornucopia",
"set_text": "Autumn. It seemed like the summer would never end, but that fortune teller was right. It's over. Autumn, the time of the harvest. Agriculture has advanced significantly in recent years, ever since the discovery of the maxim, \"leaves of three, let it be.\" Autumn, a time of celebration. The peasants have spent a hard week scything hay in the fields, but tonight the festivities begin, starting with a sumptuous banquet of roast hay. Then, the annual nose-stealing competition. Then you have two jesters, one who always lies, one who always tells the truth, both hilariously. This celebration will truly have something for everyone.\nThis is the 5th addition to the game of <i>Dominion</i>. It adds 13 new Kingdom cards to <i>Dominion</i>, plus 5 unique cards. The central theme is variety; there are cards that reward you for having a variety of cards in your deck, in your hand, and in play, as well cards that help you get that variety.",
"text_icon": "C"
"cornucopia extras": {
"set_name": "Cornucopia Extras",
"set_text": "",
"text_icon": "C"
"cornucopia1stEdition": {
"set_name": "Cornucopia",
"set_text": "Autunno. Sembrava che l'estate non dovesse mai finire, ma l'indovina aveva ragione, è terminata. Bisogna darsi da fare con la mietitura. L'agricoltura ha fatto passi da gigante ultimamente, ma come dice il vecchio detto, \"Meglio mietere due giorni prima che uno tardi\". L'autunno è anche tempo di feste. I contadini hanno lavorato duro nei campi falciando fieno tutta la settimana, ma stesera si può iniziare a festeggiare. Per prima cosa un sontuoso banchetto. Poi, l'albero della cuccagna. I più valenti si batteranno in torneo per l'onore e per il divertimento di tutti e, infine, due giullari allieteranno la serata con i loro giochi irriverenti. Ce ne sarà per tutti i gusti!",
"text_icon": "C"
"dark ages": {
"set_name": "Dark Ages",
"set_text": "Times have been hard. To save on money, you've moved out of your old castle, and into a luxurious ravine. You didn't like that castle anyway; it was always getting looted, and never at a reasonable hour. And if it wasn't barbarians it was the plague, or sometimes both would come at once, and there wouldn't be enough chairs. The ravine is great; you get lots of sun, and you can just drop garbage wherever you want. In your free time you've taken up begging. Begging is brilliant conceptually, but tricky in practice, since no-one has any money. You beg twigs from the villagers, and they beg them back, but no-one really seems to come out ahead. That's just how life is sometimes. You're quietly conquering people, minding your own business, when suddenly there's a plague, or barbarians, or everyone's illiterate, and it's all you can do to cling to some wreckage as the storm passes through. Still, you are sure that, as always, you will triumph over this adversity, or at least do slightly better than everyone else.\nThis is the 7th addition to the game of <i>Dominion</i>. It adds 35 new Kingdom cards to <i>Dominion</i>, plus new bad cards you give to other players (Ruins), new cards to replace starting Estates (Shelters), and cards you can only get via specific other cards. The central themes are the trash and upgrading. There are cards that do something when trashed, cards that care about the trash, cards that upgrade themselves, and ways to upgrade other cards.",
Expand All @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
"dominion2ndEdition": {
"set_name": "Dominion 2° Edizione",
"set_text": "You are a monarch, like your parents before you, a ruler of a small pleasant kingdom of rivers and evergreens. Unlike your parents, however, you have hopes and dreams! You want a bigger and more pleasant kingdom, with more rivers and a wider variety of trees. You want a Dominion! In all directions lie fiefs, freeholds, and feodums. All are small bits of land, controlled by petty lords and verging on anarchy. You will bring civilization to these people, uniting them under your banner.\nBut wait! It must be something in the air; several other monarchs have had the exact same idea. You must race to get as much of the unclaimed land as possible, fending them off along the way. To do this you will hire minions, construct buildings, spruce up your castle, and fill the coffers of your treasury. Your parents wouldn't be proud, but your grandparents, on your mother's side, would be delighted.",
"set_text": "Sei un Re e, come i tuoi genitori prima di te, regni su un piccolo e ameno regno fatto di fiumi e di foreste sempreverdi. Diversamente dai tuoi genitori, tuttavia, tu hai grandi sogni e ambizioni! Vuoi un regno più grande e più bello, con più fiumi e una infinita varietà di alberi. Tu vuoi un <b>Dominio</b>! In ogni direzione sorgono feudi, possedimenti e tenute. Tutte piccole porzioni di terra, controllate da insignificanti signorotti locali, facili all'anarchia. Tu porterai la civiltà a queste genti, unendole sotto il tuo vessillo.\nAttenzione! C'è qualcosa nell'aria, molti altri Re hanno avuto esattamente la tua stessa idea. Devi affrettarti per ottenere le terre che nessuno reclama e prepararti a difenderle. Per fare tutto ciò dovrai assumere dei tirapiedi, costruire palazzi, abbellire il tuo castello e accrescere il tuo tesoro. I tuoi genitori non sarebbero fieri di tutto questo, ma i tuoi nonni materni ne sarebbero deliziati.",
"short_name": "Dominion",
"text_icon": "D2"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,9 +82,9 @@
"set_text": "Jobs, everyone’s worried about jobs. Whatever happened to tilling the fields in obscurity? The economy is just a trick, like stealing someone's nose, but lately people seem to have seen through it, like when you realize someone hasn’t really stolen your nose. So now everyone’s joining a guild, learning a craft, and working on a masterpiece - a painting so beautiful it blinds you, or a cheese grater so amazing that you never eat cheese again. The only people left tilling the fields are the ones doing it ironically. The guilds cover everything - ironic tilling, butchering, baking, candlestick making, shoemaking, cheesemaking, cheese destruction. Your advisor is convinced that somehow, control of the stonecutters is key to world domination. Very well. You will have stone handled so expertly that the world trembles before you.\nThis is the 8th addition to the game of <i>Dominion</i>. It adds 13 new Kingdom cards to <i>Dominion</i>. It has coin tokens that you can save to spend later, and cards you can get more out of by paying extra for them.",
"text_icon": "G"
"hinterlands": {
"hinterlands1stEdition": {
"set_name": "Nuovi Orizzonti",
"set_text": "The world is big and your kingdom small. Small when compared to the world, that is; it’s moderate-sized when compared to other kingdoms. But in a big world like this one - big when compared to smaller worlds anyway, if such things exist; it’s moderate-sized when compared to worlds of roughly the same size, and a little small when compared to worlds just a little larger - well, to make a long story short - short when compared to longer stories anyway - it is time to stretch your borders. You’ve heard of far-off places - exotic countries, where they have pancakes but not waffles, where the people wear the wrong number of shirts, and don’t even have a word for the look two people give each other when they each hope that the other will do something that they both want done but which neither of them wants to do. It is to these lands that you now turn your gaze.\nThis is the 6th addition to the game of <i>Dominion</i>. It adds 26 new Kingdom cards to <i>Dominion</i>, including 20 Actions, 3 Treasures, 3 Victory cards, and 3 Reactions. The central theme is cards that do something immediately when you buy them or gain them.",
"set_text": "Il tuo regno è piccolo e il mondo è così grande, mio signore! ...Beh, piccolo se paragonato al mondo, ma non piccolo rispetto agli altri regni... Certo, il mondo è grande, ma grande se paragonato ad altri mondi più piccoli (se ne esistono), ma non tanto grande se paragonato a mondi approssimativamente uguali. Un po' piccolino, se paragonato ad un mondo po' più grande. Insomma, per farla breve ...breve rispetto ad altre storie più lunghe ...è giunta l'ora di ampliare i tuoi orizzonti!\nHai sentito parlare di posti lontani, paesi esotici in cui mangiano cose strane, città in cui la gente veste in modi bizzarri e dove comprendersi diventa un'impresa. Il tuo pensiero è calamitato da visioni di questo genere!",
"text_icon": "NO"
"intrigue1stEdition": {
Expand All @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
"intrigue2ndEdition": {
"set_name": "Intrigo 2° Edizione",
"set_text": "Something's afoot. The steward smiles at you like he has a secret, or like he thinks you have a secret, or like you think he thinks you have a secret. There are secret plots brewing, you're sure of it. At the very least, there are yours. A passing servant murmurs, \"The eggs are on the plate.\" You frantically search your codebook for the translation before realizing he means that breakfast is ready. Excellent. Everything is going according to plan.\n<i>Dominion: Intrigue (Second Edition)</i>, an expansion for <i>Dominion</i> or <i>Dominion (Second Edition)</i>, contains 26 Kingdom card types that can be used with the base game, while also adding rules for playing with up to eight players at two tables or for playing a single game with up to six players.\n<i>Dominion: Intrigue (Second Edition)</i> replaces six Kingdom card types from the first edition with six new types of Kingdom cards, while also replacing the blank cards in that item with a seventh new Kingdom card; these new cards are also available on their own in the <i>Dominion: Intrigue Update Pack</i>. In addition, the rulebook has been rewritten, one card has had a mild functional change (Masquerade skips players with no cards in hand), and other cards have received updated wording while remaining functionally the same.",
"set_text": "Qualcosa bolle in pentola. Il maggiordomo ti sorride. Forse ha un segreto o forse pensa che tu abbia un segreto oppure sei tu che pensi che lui pensi che tu abbia un segreto. Ci deve essere qualche complotto in atto, di questo sei sicuro. Oltre ai tuoi naturalmente. Un servo ti passa accanto mormorando: \"Le uova sono nel piatto\". Corri a consultare freneticamente il tuo libro dei codici per poi realizzare che è semplicemente ora di colazione. Bene! Tutto procede secondo i piani.",
"short_name": "Intrigo",
"text_icon": "I2"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,9 +131,9 @@
"set_text": "It's a momentous time. Art has been revolutionized by the invention of \"perspective,\" and also of \"funding.\" A picture used to be worth a dozen or so words; these new ones are more like a hundred. Oil paintings have gotten so realistic that you've hired an artist to do a portrait of you each morning, so you can make sure your hair is good. Busts have gotten better too; no more stopping at the shoulders, they go all the way to the ground. Science and medicine have advanced; there's no more superstition, now they know the perfect number of leeches to apply for each ailment. You have a clock accurate to within an hour, and a calendar accurate to within a week. Your physician heals himself, and your barber cuts his own hair. This is truly a golden age.\nThis is the 12th expansion to <i>Dominion</i>. It has 300 cards, with 25 new Kingdom cards. There are tokens that let you save coins and actions for later, Projects that grant abilities, and Artifacts to fight over.",
"text_icon": "R"
"seaside": {
"seaside1stEdition": {
"set_name": "Seaside",
"set_text": "All you ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by. And someone who knows how to steer ships using stars. You finally got some of those rivers you'd wanted, and they led to the sea. These are dangerous, pirate-infested waters, and you cautiously send rat-infested ships across them, to establish lucrative trade at far-off merchant-infested ports. First, you will take over some islands, as a foothold. The natives seem friendly enough, crying their peace cries, and giving you spears and poison darts before you are even close enough to accept them properly. When you finally reach those ports you will conquer them, and from there you will look for more rivers. One day, all the rivers will be yours.\nThis is the 2nd addition to <i>Dominion</i>. It adds 26 new Kingdom cards to <i>Dominion</i>. Its central theme is your next turn; there are cards that do something this turn and next, cards that set up your next turn, and other ways to step outside of the bounds of a normal turn.",
"set_text": "Hai iniziato con pochi soldi e una piccola provincia, ma il gioco è andato avanti, sei diventato bravo e adesso ti affacci su un mondo da scoprire e conquistare. Questa volta punti all'altra sponda del mare. Lì costruirai scali commerciali, scoprirai nuove isole e combatterai con i pirati. Riuscirai ad espandere il tuo regno più velocemente degli avversari? Sviluppa il tuo mazzo con furbizia e attenzione e riuscirai a superare gli avversari e a vincere. Il sistema di gioco innovativo garantisce tante partite emozionanti e una tensione di gioco sempre viva.",
"text_icon": "S"
32 changes: 16 additions & 16 deletions card_db_src/it/types_it.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
"Action": "Action",
"Action": "Azione",
"Artifact": "Artifact",
"Attack": "Attack",
"Attack": "Attacco",
"Blank": "Blank",
"Boon": "Boon",
"Castle": "Castle",
"Curse": "Curse",
"Curse": "Maledizione",
"Doom": "Doom",
"Duration": "Duration",
"Event": "Event",
"Events": "Events",
"Expansion": "Expansion",
"Duration": "Durata",
"Event": "Evento",
"Events": "Eventi",
"Expansion": "Espansione",
"Fate": "Fate",
"Gathering": "Gathering",
"Heirloom": "Heirloom",
Expand All @@ -19,20 +19,20 @@
"Landmarks": "Landmarks",
"Looter": "Looter",
"Night": "Night",
"Prize": "Prize",
"Prizes": "Prizes",
"Prize": "Premio",
"Prizes": "Premi",
"Project": "Project",
"Reaction": "Reaction",
"Reserve": "Reserve",
"Reaction": "Reazione",
"Reserve": "Provvista",
"Ruins": "Ruins",
"Shelter": "Shelter",
"Shelters": "Shelters",
"Spirit": "Spirit",
"Start Deck": "Start Deck",
"Start Deck": "Mazzo di partenza",
"State": "State",
"Trash": "Trash",
"Traveller": "Traveller",
"Treasure": "Treasure",
"Victory": "Victory",
"Trash": "Cestino",
"Traveller": "Viaggiatore",
"Treasure": "Tesoro",
"Victory": "Vittoria",
"Zombie": "Zombie"
Binary file modified src/domdiv/card_db/it/cards_it.json.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified src/domdiv/card_db/it/sets_it.json.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified src/domdiv/card_db/it/types_it.json.gz
Binary file not shown.

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