A simple collection of scripts, either in AppleScript or shell to simplify and enhance my productivity. They are to be used in conjunction with other apps, namely Alfred App, Geektool and TaskPaper
App Store Linker
A simple workflow to search for an app and return an affiliate link Needs to be updated to work with new affiliate link format. -
Spotlight Comments
A workflow to add spotlight comments to the selected file in finder. -
Mail Actions A workflow to navigate Mailboxes,move and copy selected emails with Alfred.
Royal TSX Quick Connect
A workflow to quickly connect to Royal TSX clients with history.
- Timetracking
The same script as above but without the personalisation for Alfred - Extended Notes
The same script as above but without the personalisation for Alfred
You need the Mac App Store version of Geektool installed for these to work.
- VolumeBar Indicator
Some sexy eyecandy that display the curren tvolume level on the desktop clearing up the menubar of the volume icon - Stitched Menubar
Just some more eyecandy that overlays a stitched pattern over the menubar and a script to toggle it on/off based on full screen apps running so it isn't in the way whil say, watching a movie.
I've moved old scripts and code to Archive. Hopefully this should minimise the clutter.
- SimpleTasks
A simple tasklist fot OpenBox pipe menu and Conky.
Note: I haven't tested this in ages and cannot vouch it will still work
You need the Power Pack in order to take advantage of these scripts.
- Network Actions
The reasoning behind this was the fact that I work a lot from home and therefore I need to toggle the VPN on/off and know it's state quite frequently. I don't like the extra clutter of having that info on the menubar so enter Alfred and Growl. - TaskPaper Timetracking
A simple script to aid in tracking time spent on tasks in TaskPaper. Time is tracked in conjunction with TicToc and a Special tag qith the value of the task in TicToc. - TaskPaper Extended Notes
A simple script that allows you to open a note/document based on a specific tag. You can define as many note/document types and which application they open in (rather than rely on default). - Scratch File
A simple extension to append text to a file (beginning or end) with Alfred. - Alfred-Tagger
A simple extension and automator worklfow to aid in tagging 1 or multiple files with - Create New File
A simple extension to create a new file either in the current folder (frontmost finder window) or default location if no finder window is open.