run postfix with smtp authentication (sasldb) in a docker container. TLS and OpenDKIM support are optional.
- Docker 1.0
Build image
$ sudo docker pull catatnight/postfix
Create postfix container with smtp authentication
$ sudo docker run -p 25:25 \ -e -e smtp_user=user:pwd \ --name postfix -d catatnight/postfix # Set multiple user credentials: -e smtp_user=user1:pwd1,user2:pwd2,...,userN:pwdN
Enable OpenDKIM: save your domain key
$ sudo docker run -p 25:25 \ -e -e smtp_user=user:pwd \ -v /path/to/domainkeys:/etc/opendkim/domainkeys \ --name postfix -d catatnight/postfix
Enable TLS(587): save your SSL certificates
$ sudo docker run -p 587:587 \ -e -e smtp_user=user:pwd \ -v /path/to/certs:/etc/postfix/certs \ --name postfix -d catatnight/postfix
(Optional) Configure postfix to allow relaying from a local docker network (containers in the same network):
network=`docker network inspect --format='{{range .IPAM.Config}}{{.Subnet}}{{end}}' my_docker_network`
docker run -d --name smtp \
--net=my_docker_network \
-e maildomain=mydomain.localhost \
-e mynetworks=,$network \
- Login credential should be set to (
[email protected]
) in Smtp Client - You can assign the port of MTA on the host machine to one other than 25 (postfix how-to)
- Read the reference below to find out how to generate domain keys and add public key to the domain's DNS records