Install Quarto, then open a Terminal and type out:
quarto use template steno-aarhus/sdca-theme
This will install the extension and create an template that you can use as a starting place for the website.
This section is mainly for the admins of the Steno Aarhus GitHub. In the directory above this theme folder, run:
# Answer the questions that get asked
quarto use template steno-aarhus/sdca-theme
git init
cp -r ../sdca-theme/.github/ .github
mv .github/
rm .github/sync.yml .github/workflows/sync-files.yml
mv sdca-theme.Rproj NEW-FOLDER.Rproj
Then modify the rest of the files as needed. Then continue with the next
bit of code (Note that you need to change <repo-name>
and <team-name
the actual names)
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
gh repo create steno-aarhus/<repo-name> --public --source . --disable-wiki --push --team <team-name>
quarto publish gh-pages