Demo of microservices ecosystem, making use of Netflix OSS and some microservice design patterns.
- Maven
- JDK 1.8
- mvn spring-boot:run
API-Gateway: centralized point of access to all service, fetch list of available services from service-discovery. Implemented with Netflix Zuul.
Serivce-Discovery: implemented with Netflix Eureka.
Auth-Server: authentication of users, delivering a access token, registration of client applications and users, also has the endpoint to get user info like roles and authorities. Implemented with Spring Security and Spring OAuth2.
S3-Service: responsible for communication with Amazon S3, to upload, delete and get files.
Product-Service: storage of products containing its images, that are sent to Amazon S3 through S3-Service,Implemented using Netflix Hystrix for fault tolerance and MongoDB as database.
- Some sample requests for each service is available in Postman Collection file.