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Run multiple nginx ingress controllers with one exposed to internet and other exposed to subset of ips only on AWS.


How to run multiple nginx ingress controllers in same k8s cluster on AWS? How to expose some apps to whole world and some services to some specific ip's only? We usually want to expose the tools e.g. Jenkins, Nexus, etc. to the team only; and whereas we want to expose the app to the whole world.

Problem Statement

The problem is that given different apps (biz or infra) some must be exposed to whole internet while others to some specific audience only. And if you have just one ingress controller then either it will be public or private.


The solution is to have multiple ingress controllers; e.g. one "internal ingress controller" for internal/private apps & another "external ingress controller" for public facing apps. The ELB in front of "internal ingress controller" will be locked down to specific ips only; whereas the ELB in front of "external ingress controller" will have wide open access.

Then we can run on exposecontroller per namespace and if the service will have expose: "true" then an ingress will be created and then the nginx-ingress-controller will update the nginx config.


The solution is composed of following components:

  1. nginx-ingress-controller: ingress controller
  2. exposecontroller: from fabric8 which creates ingress from service on the fly
  3. external-dns: creates dns entry in Route53
  4. echoserver: a sample app; just for the sake of testing

To limit access you need to add following to the nginx-ingress-controller-service.yaml
