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SSR - Router with SSR for Node & Meteor


Server side rendering with Express, react-router-4 & redux for Meteor.


Installation in your own project

You can replace yarn by your favorite way of installing NPM packages.
To install yarn :
To install "meteor yarn" : meteor npm i -g yarn

meteor yarn add react prop-types react-dom react-router-dom express helmet \
  html-minifier react-helmet pino receptacle useragent redux react-redux moment \
  i18next i18next-node-remote-backend i18next-xhr-backend react-i18next \
  i18next-express-middleware serialize-javascript lodash actual is-retina
meteor add ssrwpo:ssr

To run the demo based on this repository

git clone && cd ssr
meteor yarn install
cd demo
meteor yarn install
# For launching the demo in development mode
yarn dev
# For launching the demo in production mode
yarn prod
# For launching the demo with ios in simulator mode
yarn ios
# For launching the demo with android in simulator mode
yarn android

Client side call

import { createRouter, logger } from 'meteor/ssrwpo:ssr';
  // Your MainApp as the top component that will get rendered in <div id='react' />
  // Optional: Store subscription
  // Optional: An object containing your application reducers
  // Optional: An array of your redux middleware of choice
  // Optional: An array of your collection names
  // Optional: Add a redux store that watches for URL changes
  hasUrlStore: false,
  // Optional: An i18n config for client side
  // Optional: Server uses a platform transformer, client must load optional reducers
  hasPlatformTransformer = true,
.then(() =>'Router started'));

Server side call

import { createRouter, logger } from 'meteor/ssrwpo:ssr';
  // Your MainApp as the top component rendered and injected in the HTML payload
  // Optional: Store subscription
  // Optional: An object containing your application reducers
  // Optional: An object containing the cursors required as data context
  // Optional: A function that returns the content of your robots.txt
  // Optional: A function that returns the content of your sitemap.xml
  // Optional: A function that return the content of you humans.txt
  // Optional: An object with keys on URL with query parameters
  // Optional: An object with keys on route solver
  // Optional: An i18n config for server side
});'Router started');

Universal logging

By default this package logs for this package a muted. You can add asymetric logging using an universal logger like pino using the logger.set method. The logger requires the following methods: debug, info, warn & error which are used within this package.

Localization and i18n

We use i18next for server side rendered localization. It gets the user browser language and serves the right language with a default one(in case you don't serve for users one).

You can find more about :

Do not need it see FAQ how to remove from demo app.

404 - Not found route

react-router will always render your application. For identifying a 404, you have to tell to the server that while rendering the app, one of the displayed component is due to a 404. This is achieved via the react-router's staticContext and by setting into it a has404 boolean used by the server to identify the route as 404 Not found route.

Example: NotFound

Sever side routes

Pre-made: Robots.txt, Humans.txt & Sitemap.xml

To set up your robots.txt, you need to have a key robotsTxt inside the object that you pass to the server-side createRouter function. This key should contain a function that returns a string with the desired content of your robots.txt. The function receives the store as its first arguments. This allows you to programmatically build your robots.txt based on the store contents.

The same principle applies to humans.txt and sitemap.xml, with the key humansTxt and sitemapXml respectively.

For example, you can populate your sitemap.xml of dynamic routes generated based on the store data. You can see examples of building these functions here:

NOTE For sitemap.xml we strongly recommend sitemap.js.

Your own webhooks or REST API

By passing a webhooks function, you can build your own server side routes powered by Express. A small example is setup in the demo: webhooks.


Platform detection, built-in reducer

For the initial render, your app may require some defaults to ensure that it will server retina images or specific layout for a platform.

The platform detection reducer provides the following platforms:

  • android: Any tablet or phone with Android using Chrome or the built-in browser.
  • ipad: Any Apple iPad.
  • iphone: Any Apple iPhone.
  • safari: Any MacOS Safari (not iPhone or iPad).
  • ie: Any Internet Explorer before Edge.
  • default: All the other browsers and devices.

By default, a platformTransformers is provided and adds 4 built-in reducers to the app: retina, mobile, viewportWidth, viewportHeight. It only applies to server side rendering. When your client side app is rendered, you can patch the default values that the server has injected with a bult-in component:

<BrowserStats retinaMinDpi={<number>} mobileBreakpoint={<number>} debounceTimer={<number>} /> where :

  • retinaMinDpi: 144, by default (1.5 x 96 in dpi).
  • mobileBreakpoint: 992, by default (in px).
  • debounceTimer: 64, by default (4 x 16 in ms).

If you want to build your own platformTransformers and <BrowserStats />, please refer to the following sources for inspiration:

Build date, built-in reducer

Each produced HTML payload is tagged with a build date allowing capabilities to check if a reload is required. The reducer is named buildDate and it contains a UNIX date.

Reducer helpers

Store creation (see Reducer):

  • Collections store: createCollectionReducers
  • Value store: createValueReducer

Actions on reducers:

  • On collection store:
    • collectionAdd
    • collectionChange
    • collectionRemove
  • On value store:
    • valueSet
    • valueReset

Synchronisation helpers for collections

When your collection is serialized in the store, you may want to synchronize it when your application starts, or when entering a page, or on a user action ... As this is a common use case for Meteor, we provide an easy way to create mapDispatchToProps methods for subscribing/subscribing or calling a validated method that will synchronize your collection store.

Example: PubSub

Via subscribe: createHandleSubscribe

The subscribe / unsubscribe based synchronization helper has the following API:

 * `createHandleSubscribe`
 * Create an `handleSubscribe` function for your `mapDispatchToProps`.
 * @param dispatch Store's dispatch.
 * @param publicationName Your publication name which must accept an UNIX date value as `lastMod`.
 * @param cursor A cursor on Mongo collection with a `lastMod` set on each item.
 * @param valueStoreNameForSubscription Name of the value store identifying subscription state.
 * @param collectionStoreName Name of the collection store holding replica of collection.
 * @return A function allowing to subscribe and unsubscribe.

Via validated method: createHandleSyncViaMethod

The validated method based synchronization helper has the following API:

 * `createHandleSyncViaMethod`
 * Create an `handleSyncViaMethod` function for your `mapDispatchToProps`.
 * @param dispatch Store's dispatch.
 * @param validatedMethod A validated method, promised based
 *  (see didericis:callpromise-mixin) that accepts { lastMod } as its params.
 * @param collectionStoreName Name of the collection store holding replica of collection.
 * @return A function allowing to subscribe and unsubscribe.

High Order Components

This package provides some HOC for common cases scenarios all geared torwards performances.


Asymetric HOC for transforming a functional component into a React.PureComponent on the client and leaving it unmodified on the server.

import React from 'react';
import { pure } from 'meteor/ssrwpo:ssr';

const MyComponent = (props) => ( ... );
export default pure(MyComponent);

Example: Performance


Same as pure apart that it takes one or two component:

  • When 2 components are used, the first one is rendered client side only, the second server side only. This allows changes of behavior while the app is loading, like for displaying a spinner or forbidding access to some functions.
  • When one component is used, the server will not render the component (the no SSR case) which only shows up on the client when React is started.
import React from 'react';
import { asymetricSsr } from 'meteor/ssrwpo:ssr';
const Loading = () => <p>Loading</p>;
const Loaded = () => <p>Loaded</p>;
const LoadingStateWithServerDisplay = asymetricSsr(Loaded, Loading);
const LoadingStateWithout = asymetricSsr(Loaded);

Example: Asymetric SSR


Recommended Babel configuration

For optimal results, set your .babelrc with the following content:

  "presets": ["meteor"],
  "plugins": [

⚠️ On Windows OS, these transforms could mess with your build process. A reduced set should be used with carefully chosen transforms. One contributors succeed to make the demo working on Windows using the following .babelrc:

  "presets": ["meteor"],
  "plugins": [

Package development


For profiling the most appropriate libraries or function call a benchmark suite is setup in benchmarks. Launch a test using babel-node.

Ex. babel-node benchmarks/getFromObject.js

Debug helpers

The last request and last response received in Express are exposes by this package as debugLastRequest and debugLastResponse, respectively. In Meteor's shell, you can access them via:

import { debugLastRequest, debugLastResponse } from 'meteor/ssrwpo:ssr';

Launching tests

This project uses Jest and chai.

# In one-shot mode:
yarn test
# In watch mode:


The linter is based on ESlint configured with Airbnb styles.

yarn lint

⚠️ All code must be linted before sending any PR. See the Contributing guide.


Logo created by Alexandre Tabbuso.

3rd party documentation


Sites using this engine in production