You will need access to the 607116-2A - TNZ - Tanzu Spring EA
subscription in Azure. The app is running under the 607116-2A - TNZ - Tanzu Spring EA
subscription and spring-asa
resource group.
To deploy or update the app do the following
$ az account list --output table
Name CloudName SubscriptionId TenantId State IsDefault
--------------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ------- -----------
607116-2A - TNZ - Tanzu Spring EA AzureCloud dc292c30-39d6-4396-994f-b78b1dd6e514 1194df16-3ae0-49aa-b48b-5c4da6e13689 Enabled True
Set the subscription id to the subscription id for Spring Infra.
$ az account set --subscription subscrpitionid
Set the following environment variables
$ export ASAE_LOCATION=eastus
$ export ASAE_SUBSCRIPTION=subscrpition
$ export ASAE_SERVICE=spring-asa
$ export ASAE_RESOURCE_GROUP=spring-asa
Only need to do this when creating this step if the app doesn't already exist
$ az spring app create --resource-group $ASAE_RESOURCE_GROUP --service $ASAE_SERVICE --name spring-cloud-issue-bot --env ISSUEBOT_GITHUB_CREDENTIALS_USERNAME=spring-cloud-issues ISSUEBOT_GITHUB_CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD=[ghp_spring-cloud-issue-bot from Vault]
Build the issue bot app
$ ./mvnw clean package
Deploy the app
$ az spring app deploy --resource-group $ASAE_RESOURCE_GROUP --service $ASAE_SERVICE --artifact-path target/issue-bot-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --name spring-cloud-issue-bot --runtime-version Java_17
To tail the logs
$ az spring app logs --name spring-cloud-issue-bot --resource-group $ASAE_RESOURCE_GROUP --service $ASAE_SERVICE --follow --lines 10000
cf login -a
in manifest.yaml
for the user spring-cloud-issues
. This should be a token stored in LastPass.
Then run cf push
from the root of the repo.