The Odoo Community Association, or OCA, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote the widespread use of Odoo and to support the collaborative development of Odoo features.
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25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
Support mainsail-crew's open-source work for Mainsail and Klipper/3d printer oriented projects.
ChurchApps develops open source software for churches. Every year, churches spend hundreds of millions of dollars on software needed to run a church effectively. We believe by working together the Church can provide this software for free.
We maintain many of the world's most installed open source reinforcement learning libraries
Support for my open source work, including the DDEV integration plugin for PHPStorm and other projects.
Support tessus’s open source work
Support moononournation’s open source work ;>
While being a LineageOS device maintainer, making sure a lot of Android phones get proper aftermarket support, I also develop random projects, whatever comes first in my mind
Hi!👋 I'm passionate about Vue & Nuxt and dedicated to creating valuable content for these frameworks. I run a weekly newsletter, write in-depth articles, and share insights to help developers excel. Your sponsorship supports my mission!
A mobile product company. Building open source software and mobile products.
The Zauberzeug team excels in turning complex challenges into innovative products, with [NiceGUI]( leading our open-source contributions. Back our creative tech leaps; together, we can push the boundaries of possibility.
Developer in Texas.
Envox has been working for years to bring Test & Measurement solutions closer to ordinary users through the creation of open source hardware and software solutions.
I build foundational JavaScript infrastructure used by millions of people. Help me build more of it.
Architect who builds stuff that he wishes was already there. Oh well, that gives me the chance to build it, right!
Hi, I am Aaron Caldwell. I develop open source statistical packages (R and jamovi) and make point-and-click GUI Shiny apps to help scientists make their analyses easier.
I maintain simple-acme, a popular cross platform ACME client (and previously worked on its predecesor win-acme for 6+ years).
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