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A simple plugin that provides Processing support for Neovim.


  1. Processing ctags generates an index file of symbols in your source code, enabling quick navigation to definitions and declarations directly within your editor.

  2. The :make command in Neovim is configured to execute your Processing sketch directly using processing-java --sketch=/path/to/your/sketch --run

  3. The :Processing lsp command starts the Processing Language Server (LSP), which must be manually set up. if vim.g.processing_nvim.lsp.cmd is nil, the LSP will not start.

  4. The commentstring is set to // %s to format comments in a way that matches the style used in Java, where // is used for single-line comments.


  • Neovim >= 0.10.0 (may work on previous versions).
  • processing-java
  • Optional:


macOS users will need to install the processing-java command from the IDE. The :make command will not function without doing this. Location: Menu Bar > Tools > Install "processing-java"


Install processing.nvim with a package manager of your choice.

:Rocks install processing.nvim
-- This plugin is already lazy-loaded.
lazy = false,
-- Recommended.
version = "^1",
use 'sophieforrest/processing.nvim'
Plug 'sophieforrest/processing.nvim'



If the plugin isn't working correctly, run :checkhealth processing to identify possible issues.

processing.nvim uses the vim.g.processing_nvim namespace for configuration. The default configuration can be found below.

vim.g.processing_nvim = {
  ---@type processing.Config
  Default.default = {
    highlight = {
      -- Whether to enable treesitter highlighting.
        ---@type boolean
        enable = true,
    lsp = {
      -- The command to use for processing-lsp. This needs to be created
      -- manually as processing doesn't bundle their LSP as a separate package.
      -- This generally involves editing the processing wrapper script.
      -- This will not start the LSP if set to nil.
      ---@type string[]|nil|fun(dispatchers: vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatchers): vim.lsp.rpc.PublicClient
      cmd = nil,
      -- Example: cmd = { "processing-lsp" }


Code examples that users of processing.nvim may find useful to include in their configs. These can be included anywhere in your configuration.

Generating ctags on save

local processing_ctags = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('ProcessingCtags', {})
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'BufWritePost' }, {
  command = 'Processing ctags',
  desc = 'Generate ctags for Processing on save.',
  group = processing_ctags,
  pattern = { '*.pde' },

Show errors when calling :make

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('QuickFixCmdPost', {
  pattern = '*',
  callback = function()
    if #vim.fn.getqflist() > 0 then

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